Page:Dave Porter on Cave Island.djvu/59

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farmer moved away to prepare for the journey. "We don't want to miss our suppers."

"Ye ain't goin' to miss nuthin'," called the farmer.

Inside of fifteen minutes he came around to the cow-shed with a big, low sleigh, to which were attached four fine-looking horses. The sleigh contained two lanterns and a quantity of wraps and robes.

"Don't want ye to catch cold, when we're a-drivin' fast," chuckled Homer Opper. "Now pile right in, an' we'll be movin'."

The boys needed no second invitation, and soon all were aboard—Dave and Roger on the front seat with the driver and the others behind, including the Rockville cadets. Then came a crack of the whip, and away through the swirling snow moved the big sleigh, bound for the two schools.