Page:Dave Porter on Cave Island.djvu/83

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say and of what had occurred at Squirrel Island. "Have you heard anything here? " he added.

"Did the girls tell you anything?" asked his father.

"Not a word—they didn't have a chance, for we didn't want to talk before Peter." Peter was the driver of the sleigh.

"I see." Mr. Porter mused for a moment and looked at Mr. Wadsworth.

"Those good-for-nothing boys have done a number of mean things," said the jewelry manufacturer. "They have circulated many reports, about you and your family, and about me and my family. They must be very bitter, to act in such a fashion. If I could catch them, I'd like to wring their necks!" And Oliver Wadsworth showed his excitement by pacing up and down the library.

"Did you get your affairs with the department stores fixed up?"

"Yes, but not without considerable trouble."

"Have Jasniff and Merwell shown themselves in Crumville lately?"

"Yes, three days ago they followed your sister Laura and Jessie to a church fair the girls attended. They acted in such a rude fashion that both of the girls ran all the way home. All of us went out to look for them, but we didn't find them."