Page:Dawn and the Dons.pdf/186

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AMID such scenes of happiness and content were these people living when, suddenly, the cry of “Gold!” startled the world, and for a brief space the fever that spread over the earth laid hold of Monterey. But not for long. The lure of gold was never strong among its people, and if to gain this precious metal they must abandon the pleasures, the customs and the habits which for the greater part of a century had brought them continued happiness and content; and if in addition they must leave the loved environment that had become a part of their lives, then others might have the gold. What need had they for gold anyway? They already had what they wanted, and all they wanted. And so Monterey went back to her happy, care-free life; to her sunny skies and verdant hills; to her sounding surf and enchanted ravines; to her merry making and her love making; and again she was content.