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and honest feeling, and the belief that, in the whole universe also, good-will and honest feeling will prevail : it is the ‘’euthanasy’’ of Christianity.


‘’That is truth?’’—Who would not agree with the conclusion which the faithful like to draw: "Science cannot be true, for it denies God. Hence it does not come from God; hence it is not true—for God is truth." Not the conclusion, but the premise is at fault : how, if God were not the truth, and if this could be proved?If He were the vanity, the Iust for power, the impatience, the terror, the enraptured and terrified delusion of men?


‘’Remedy for the ill-humoured.’’—Paul already was of opinion that a sacrifice was wanted to remove the profound displeasure of God about sin: ever since his time Christians have never ceased to wreak on some victim or other their displeasure with their own selves—be it the world,” or “history," or reason," or the joy of peaceful rest of other people—something good must die for their sin (though only in effigy!)


‘’The historic refutation as the final one.’’—Formerly attempts were made to prove that there was no God—