Page:Dead Souls - A Poem by Nikolay Gogol - vol2.djvu/203

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level of education will rise, trade will improve, the golden age will come in Russia.'

Tchitchikov looked at him intently and thought: Well, it's no use standing on ceremony with him.' Without putting things off he informed the colonel on the spot that he was in need of certain souls with the completion of purchase and all the formalities.

'As far as I can see from your words this is a request, isn't it?'

'Yes, certainly.'

'In that case put it in writing, it will go to the Committee for All Sorts of Petitions. The Committee for All Sorts of Petitions, after making a note of it, will bring it to me. From me it will go to the Committee for Rural Affairs, there they will make all sorts of inquiries and investigations concerning the business. The head steward together with the counting-house clerks will pass their resolution in the shortest possible time and the business will be completed.'

Tchitchikov was aghast. 'Excuse me,' he said, 'like that it will take a long time.'

'Ah!' said the colonel with a smile, that is just the advantage of doing everything on paper. It takes a little time certainly, but on the other hand nothing escapes notice, every detail will be seen.'

'But excuse me. … How can one treat of this in writing! You see, it is rather a peculiar business … the souls are … you see … in a certain sense … dead.'