Page:Dealings with the dead.djvu/102

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who receive little, but little is expected. It is your fine-nerved people, the really great-hearted man or woman—those who pertain to the second or other and higher orders of mankind—your natural aristocrats of the Soul-worlds—when they get there—who on earth suffer greatest and undergo the most.

This general information came to me as I flitted on by the home-sides of those whom I loved, and who, in turn, loved me. Loved me! What a world in a word!

Iu the preceding pages I stated that there were two draughts of knowledge which came to slake my deathless soul-thirst, while I waited and wished for Nellie and the old man who went with her. The law of soul is this: any question, the answer to which can be comprehended by the asker, may be propounded to itself in the absolute certainty of a correct response, provided the knowledge it conveys be adapted to the ends of good and use, to either the neighbor or the self. This is an integral law of the very being, no matter where that being may be located. On earth men are not pure nor properly situated, hence it is far more difficult for them to elicit the required knowledge, than it is for those who are not embodied; yet the law is as operative on the lowest earth as in the highest heaven. In accordance with the principle laid down, that which I have faintly set forth came to me; but the second lesson, which seemed to be a sequential suggestion of what I thought was an attack upon the external wall of my inclosing sphere, conveyed wisdom as well as knowledge, the good of which will be seen by those who carefully analyze it.

My glance now fell full and direct upon the point