Page:Dealings with the dead.djvu/115

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in fact they are but the merest shuttlecocks, bandied about between the battledoors of knavish devils on one side, and devilish knaves upon the other; and between the two, the poor wretches are nearly heart-reft and destroyed.

For every ill there is a remedy, God-sanctioned and provided; and the only one in such cases is the reintegration and rejuvenation of the will, and the repairing therewith of the disrupted sphere. The way that end is accomplished, is through the instrumentality of prayer and a persistent exercise of will. No person, who is at all reasonable, will for one moment believe that any of the profounder mysteries have yet been revealed by the class of spiritual beings who rap, tip, turn tables, and entrance mediums—the effect of all of which should only be to merely call attention, in well-regulated minds, to a new class of demonstrative evidence of the soul's immortality. When the intercourse between the two worlds shall have become normal, healthful and regular, the earth's inhabitants' may look for light from beyond, of a nature and character far, very far above aught that yet has come; and that much of the coming light will reach the earth in the same mode as that which is herein given, must be apparent, because the process is a normal and healthful one, producing satisfaction and content instead of doubt and distrust, as has been the case heretofore.

Mankind, in either world, are as yet only on the borders—the very edges of being and of knowledge—and men must and will come en rapport with the higher life only by living correct lives below.

The first step toward this normal inspiration and