Page:Dealings with the dead.djvu/131

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comprehend the celestial magic by means of which it was effected. No opportunity, however, was then afforded for investigations of the mystery, for a crowd of new marvels rolled on me, in such quick succession, that all my soul became at once deeply engaged. My vision was clear, distinct and far-reaching, and thousands of objects existed upon all sides to attract it. The scene was the realization of the fairest, brightest Arcadie of which wrapt poet ever dreamed. Hundreds upon hundreds of the most beautiful of human creatures that imagination ever pictured were there, in all the glory of a, fete in Heaven. Not a line of care or sorrow traced its course upon a single cheek or brow of the vast multitudes who thronged the glades and gardens of that wondrous realm. It was the actuality of the fairest ideal of earth's noblest poet, and something more; for there was a nameless something about it that earth can never give. Magnificent and lofty trees, the movement of whose very leaves was sweetest music; streams of living water, whose ripples flashed back ten thousand magic hues of loveliness, to a stately but unmoving Sun in the mid-heaven; flowers of rare conformation, whose colors and fragrance put earthly roses to the blush, unfolded their glory-cups to God's bright sentinel, and praised His name in incense-offerings; bowers of shrubs, resplendent meadows, stately groves, adown the sylvan glades of which scores of merry children trooped, and soul-wed lovers wandered, were a few of the things upon which I gazed in a raptness whereof poets may conceive, but which to colder souls will be mysteries for long. Splendid palaces towered in the distance, while near at hand, on the green banks of many a singing brook, numberless cottages gemmed the scene.