Page:Dealings with the dead.djvu/136

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and therefore the doors of the soul's knowledge-chambers were swung wide upon their hinges, so to speak, and into them the following answers flowed naturally and sweetly, in response to self-propounded questions concerning all that had transpired since my emergement from the interior of my personal into the general sphere of that portion of the immense Soul-world wherein I now found myself. It has already been stated, and understood by the reader, that the sphere in which the memoramic tableaux moved across its diameter, was the personal out-surrounding of the individual. Precisely the same, with the exception of being on a vastly grander scale, was this new Soul-realm whereof I had become an inhabitant. The fact is, I had been in it from the dawn of the second hour of my disembodiment, only that the opacity of my vision and the walls of my sphere had prevented me from realizing it, just as a person with nebulous eyes is unaware of the glories of a landscape in the midst of which he stands, alongside of a friend whose eyes are clear and good, and whose soul fairly dances with rapture as he scans the sea of loveliness, which is all shut out from the other.

All truths go in couples. I had just discovered one, and its mate very soon thereafter appeared. It was this: What I had thought to be an attempt to break down the walls of my circumvallated sphere, prove now not to have been the work of another, but was the result of the operation of a natural law of the soul—that of Intromission; but which law does not act until after certain others have effected peculiar changes in the individual—just as grate and resignation succeed the tumult and agony of repentance and remorse. This law of intromission finds its humble analogy in the grub and