Page:Dealings with the dead.djvu/151

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for one's bad and baleful influence while on earth; and the more extensive this has been, the more fearful the penalty self-inflicted therefor. The man who has taught millions that God is a revengeful being; that He ever stands ready to hurl ruin and destruction on the world; to rain literal fire and brimstone on the earth, and thus frighten people into woe and insanity, must abide the consequences, and in the world beyond be compelled to face the dreadful music himself may have evoked. And so with others, let their influence be what it may. Eternal justice rules the destiny of mankind; and sooner or later its behests must and will be accomplished.

I turned in affright from the horrible scene, but not without reaping a mental treasure from what I had beheld, both of the Soul-world and the Middle-state. It will be remembered that I had asked certain questions, which were not responded to. These questions, and others had been uppermost in my mind all along, and now as our faces were once again turned toward the bright scenes of the Soul-world, I realized that neither it nor its fearful antipodes were absolute fixtures or fixities. The human soul is kaleidescopic. The scenes it forever conjures up before it from out its mighty deeps, and by which it is surrounded, are constantly and forever changing, no matter whether its locality be on earth, in the mid-region of the great world's atmosphere, on the confines of the two great states, embodied or free; or whether it be a dweller in the city of divine souls, the law is the same and incessantly operative. Change is written on all things; and although in essence soul can never alter, yet its moods and phases constantly do, else Hell would be a permanency, Earth stand still, and Heaven itself grow monotonous. In