Page:Dealings with the dead.djvu/158

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He creates worlds, and becomes the deity of his creation?—Man is a godling!

These were a few of the answers that came to me, as we turned from the precipice, and moved once more toward the sylvan grove!

Measured by earthly clocks, I had been but two hours in the Soul-world, but felt that I had endured for centuries.

I soon discovered the reason of this. There is, as said before, a great sympathetic chain extending from soul to soul, over and through all past time, and up to God likewise; and on the plane of this great Sympathia, at every point, some one stands; that some one can scan the past, the present, and the future, just in proportion to his or her unfolding; and the true blending of that soul with some other, puts this last in possession of all the other may have attained. I loved and was loved by one who stood high thereon, and the intuitions of my soul were quickened by his presence.

Purity is the price of power. * * * * Years of earth have passed since that auspicious opening of the inner life. Much greater and higher knowledge has since flowed into my soul, portions of which will, ere long, be given to the world by the same pen which indited every line this book contains—save the preface. At present I am, with Mine, endeavoring to gain wisdom, as hand in hand, heart bound up in heart, and soul blended with soul, we together are happily, joyously, climbing up the sky.

c. t.