Page:Dealings with the dead.djvu/162

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"When the beautiful bend of the Bow is above,
Like a collar of light on the bosom of Love,
When the moon in her brightness is floating on high,
Like a Banner of silver hung out in the Sky,
Then pour out thy spirit in prayer.

"In the depths of the darkness unvaried in hue,
When shadows are veiling the breast of the blue,
When the voice of the Tempest at midnight is still,
And the Spirit of Solitude sobs on the hill,
Then pour out thy spirit in prayer.

"In the dawn of the morning when Nature's awake,
And calls up her Chorus to chaunt in the brake,
'Mid the voice of the echo unbound in the woods,
'Midst the warbling of streams, and the foaming of floods,
Then pour out thy spirit in prayer.

"Where by the pure streamlet the pale lily bends,
Like Hope o'er the grave of affectionate friends,
When each star in the sky to the bright fancy seems
Like an island of light, in an ocean of dreams,
Then pour out thy spirit in prayer.

"When the Tempest is treading the paths of the deep,
And the Thunder is up from his cloud-cradled sleep,
When the Hurricane sweeps o'er the earth in his wrath,
And leaveth the footprints of God in his path,
Then pour out thy spirit in prayer."

And I prayed.

Since that day[1] Devotion has been the solace of many and many a weary hour; for when grief and pain and sorrow with their train afflict the soul, it remembers the key-note and the key, and that glorious upper chamber, with the great Glory that swept the Heavens, even from the rising of the sun to the going down thereof.

These were the circumstances which brought about

  1. Feb. 4th, 1861,