Page:Dealings with the dead.djvu/211

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numbers of diverse forms, these transmigrations lasted, and passed, it were impossible to tell. We all have indistinct retrovisions, flashes of back-thought, dim and vague reminiscences of a pre-state of existence; and we also know, that there are marvelous resemblances between men and the animal creation, just as if the soul, on quitting an inferior for a superior form, retained something of its former surroundings and characteristics. Some men physically resemble the ox, lion, tiger, dog, owl, bat, deer; and we know that myriads resemble in their mentality the traits of character, habits and dispositions pertaining to all these animals, and others, as the fox, snake, eagle, peacock, swine, and so on to the end of a long chapter. "When I was a flower," said a little child. That child had an intuition of a mighty fact!

Now all these astonishing likenesses are not accidental, but exist in accordance with the great law of Transmigration. Mind me: I do not say, or believe, that any man or woman was ever a dog, viper, vampire-bat or tiger; but I do affirm that the monads, which now constitute their souls, once sustained a very close relationship to the beasts of the field, and have not yet got rid of the effects of the alliance. This is a matter too clear to be disputed: else, why these very remarkable resemblances? I know, that some people will "pooh! pooh!" at this idea; but that wont account for the likeness! A man never was a dog, or an owl; yet, that both dogs and owls were originally made, in order that the human monad, in passing a sort of gestation period in them, might be ripened slowly, and prepared for what he is now, I have at present no manner of doubt. Indeed, human bodies, both physical and spiritual, are but