Page:Dealings with the dead.djvu/222

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We rose above the fierce turmoil, and for the first time a fair opportunity was presented for a closer scrutiny of my guide. As I drew nearer to him, he said—not in words, but in the silent language used by the higher citizens of the Republic of Souls—" All thoughts have shape: some are sharp, acute and angular, many-pointed, and exceedingly rough. These cut and bore their way through the worlds; others are flat and disk-like: these are thoughts that must be incarnated in matter ere they become useful; their mission is to be seen; others to he felt. Some thoughts are light and fantastic, like bubbles on the sea; they are beautiful while the sun shines, but the very ray that reveals their beauty also seals their doom—for the heat kills them; they burst, and forever disappear, being hollow and of but little substance: other thoughts are round, heavy, and solid as a cannon-ball, and like them, too, their mission is to batter down the mounds erected by unwise men. Words are but the garments of thought. Geometry is the Soul of all Sciences—order, symmetry, and form! Everything, line, point, shape, angle and figure, corresponds to something in both the Spirit and the Soul-world (the outward and inward Soul-life), and are, independent of magnitude, absolute and arbitrary symbols, embodying an absolute and fixed principle: and every line, dot, point, shape or angle has a fixed definition in the lexicon of the Starry Heavens.[1] All pure and good thoughts, being themselves full of

  1. What a stupendous revelation is here! What an astounding idea! For, if this statement be founded in truth, of which there can be but little if any doubt, what ages must elapse ere we be fully able to read the myriad volumes of God's great library—the boundless Universe of form, color, and sound.—Pub.