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education or discipline. Our principal life—for we lead several at the same time, is the life of Imagination. We form, in fact create, by a mystic power not yet understood, whole galleries of paintings, figures, adventures and circumstances, 'houses in Spain' 'castles in the air.' These are our in-creations, because, while yet in the body, they loom up in the deep, distant depths of the mind, as images more or less vague and shadowy. They are as yet within us, pictured, as they are, upon the outer surfaces of the soul, yet within the radius of the spirit.

After death, these become the realities of our then existence, are the spontaneous out-births or out-creations of our souls, and in them we live, move, and have our being—happy, joyous, pleasant, provided our souls are beautiful, calm, and serene; but if they be not so, then those out-creations are full of horrors—serpents, noisome things, reptiles and dead men's bones.

Few, very few clairvoyants have ever beheld the realities of the spiritual world. I know of but few, contemporaneous or historical, whom I believe to have ever beheld the mysteries of the other life. Amongst the few, Behmen, Swedenborg, and Harris stand pre-eminent. The others—some of them honest, doubtless, but often deluded—have beheld their own out-creations, or the spiritual photographs on the sky-surfaces of things and events pertaining to the earth. Every out-creation differs from all others; hence arises the annoying discrepancies and diverse accounts of the same things, which we are constantly receiving—as, for instance, the spirit-land, the sun, moon, planets, and their occupants, as given by various so-called modern seers. The memory of man is internal to himself while here, but after