Page:Dealings with the dead.djvu/275

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I take this method of informing my numerous friends and the public that I am still manufacturing my great curatives, but during the past eight years have, by the aid of the highest procurable chemical assistance, been enabled to bring them to a state of perfection that leaves nothing to be desired in that direction. Now, as in years past, I devote myself to one speciality, viz.: the treatment of nervous and scrofulous diseases. In addition to my own system, that of Dr. P. B. Randolph has been transferred to me by special deed, and the public well know that amongst the thousands of cases of an especial nature treated by him, not two per cent, out of the entire number but were perfectly cured. The combined system is the result of twenty years of profound study. The diseases I treat are those whose ravages are indeed fearful, but which are seldom understood, and still more seldom cured by ordinary medical practitioners. My system and my remedies are known only to myself, and, it is needless to state, have, for the last ten years, stood alone and unequalled, and are alike adapted to the wants of either sex. In accordance with my system of Positive Medicine, in every case I furnish just what Nature, the only great Physician, needs, in order to be enabled to effect a cure. There is no guess-work at all about the matter, but I proceed with geometrical precision to a certain and foreseen result, and that too, not by Herb teas, or deleterious compounds of any sort, but by means of an Entirely New Glass of curative agents. Every one of these compounds is elegant in appearance, delicious to the taste, steady and uniform in its effects, and absolutely Positive in curative results, a desideratum never before attained in the history of medicine. For instance: Chemical research has enabled us to bring to light a hitherto supposed unattainable combination of proximate principles, with certain ultimate elements. The First of which is named