Page:Dealings with the dead.djvu/277

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blood of all deleterious substances and humors, and by supplying the elements whereof it stands in need. That physician is a fool who claims or expects to cure two men of opposite temperament of the same disease, with one medecine. It cannot be done, and never will be, else Science is at fault; which cannot be the case, seeing that she absolutely demonstrates that each of the above diseases indicates the absence from the body of one, two, and, in certain cases, no less than seven of the prime elements of the body.. My remedies supply these elements of the system, and thus effect the cure. Remedy No. 3 is the


Its name suggests its use and office, either alone or in combination with the others. It will, to quote the language of a patient, restored by its use, "Put life in hoary age, and fire in the veins of ice!" not by mere stimulations, but by permanent invigoration. Persons who have become exhausted by folly, study, over-working of the brain, sedentary habits and excess, have herein their only remedy. No. 4,


certain, positive and invaluable. No. 5,


for the cure of diseases of either sex, arising from colds and derangements of the natural system. They are prepared as ordered only, owing to the high cost of their materials. They are sent in courses at six, ten, twenty and twenty-five dollars—sufficient for one case—except desperate ones, and at these prices are the cheapest medicines in the world; for they do their work, and do it thoroughly and well. In connection with this subject, allow me to state that these remedies are sure and certain; they are not mere catch-pennies—are sold at high prices because they cost high to manufacture. One ingredient alone, in numbers one and three, is imported at the cost of 80 cents a drachm. In this