Page:Dealings with the dead.djvu/56

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is man a world within himself, but Re is an entire system of worlds, each one of which is perfect of its order, full and complete. God is at once a center, a Republic and a King. So also is man in a finite degree. His faculties may be said to constitute the distinct members or States or nations of the great confederation, where-of the supreme Ego is sovereign Lord and President,—one, however, who can, if it so elect, assume and wield despotic power overall within the great domain. So far can this power be carried and exerted, that pain may be overcome, and even death itself be kept at bay. The will is. Lord of man's accidents and incidents, and if his reason guide it well, nothing can withstand its force.

As stated previously, all foregone thoughts and deeds of mine became objectified in my new sphere, or on what I can find no descriptive term, good as that of Memorama, for such it truely was,—and the fact of its existence at all ought to become a significant one to mortals, for even as their deeds and thoughts shall be on earth, even so will be the delights or agonies consequent upon their inspection of these memory tables on the other shore, whither all must go, whether the voyage be agreeable or not. Memory constitutes the basis of man's heaven or his hell. On it is founded the superstructure of his sorrows or his joys, and woe be to whomsoever shall read, and reading, neglect the caution here imparted. I give it in all love, for I know its immense importance.

My thoughts and actions—even the minutest, passed before me, across the polished. surface of my enclosing sphere, standing out in bold relief. The pictures