Page:Dealings with the dead.djvu/66

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worlds, without a permanent resting-place in either. These have been useful, however, inasmuch as they have called, and even compelled attention to phenomena which they produce, and which cannot be explained away, nor accounted for, save by admitting two things; first, that immortality is a fixed fact; and second, that it is possible to bridge the hitherto impassable chasm which divides earth from regions which lie beyond. The fourth kind, and truest and best, indeed that which only is truely spiritual, is the growing up into a spiritualized, out of the merely physical selfhood; and this growth of soul necessarily admits the subject of it into the mysteries of being, precisely in accordance with the degree of the person's own unfolding. It is the offspring of good resolutions, well and faithfully carried out; ignores pride, talk, lust, hatred, envy, malice, slander, and all else which characterizes the other three sorts. Immortality is to such, not an acquired, but an intuitive fact. Such Spiritualists are good, moral, humane, charitable, merciful, kind and true; religious, Christian in deed, as well as name; and such as these are never pulling down, but ever building up the Good, the Beautiful, and the True; and when such an one dies, his or her stay in the Middle State is very short, for they have paid their ferriage, and are speedily intromitted to the mysteries and grandeurs of the world of Soul.

Such an one is unfolded; and by this term is not meant that state to which a man arrives after packing the contents of two or three libraries on the shelves of his memory; by that term is not meant the condition of one who has arrived at honor and distinction by dint