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Now pleaſure unbounded reſounds o'er the plains,
And brightens the ſmiles of the damſels and ſwains,
As they follow the laſt team of harveſt along,
And end all their toils with a dance and a ſong.

Poſſeſs'd of the plenty that bleſſes the year,
Bleak Winter's approach they behold without fear;
And when tempeſts rattle and hurricans roar,
Enjoy what they have, and ne'er languiſh for more.

Dear Chloe, from them let us learn to be wiſe,
And uſe every moment of life as it flies:
Gay youth is the Spring-time which all muſt improve
For Summer to ripen an harveſt of love.

Our hearts then a provident care ſhould engage,
To <ſave> up love in ſtore for the Winter of age,
Whoſe frowns ſhall diſarm ev'n Chloe's bright eye,
Damp the flame in my boſom, and pale ev'ry joy.


Falkirk—T.Johnston, Printer.