Page:Debates in the Several State Conventions, v1.djvu/184

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[June 6,

submitted by Mr. Randolph, and to insert in its place the word "legislatures," so as to read,—

"Resolved, That the members of the first branch of the national legislature ought to be elected by the legislatures of the several states."

And on the question to strike out, it passed in the negative.

Yeas: Connecticut, New Jersey, South Carolina, 3. Nays: Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, 7.

On motion of Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Madison, to amend the 8th resolution, which respects the negative to be vested in the national executive, by adding, after the words "national executive," the words "with a convenient number of the national judiciary."

On the question to agree to the addition of these words, it passed in the negative.

Yeas: Connecticut, New York, Virginia, 3. Nays: Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, South Carolina, Georgia, 7.

Mr. C. Pinckney gave notice, that to-morrow he should move for the reconsideration of that clause in the resolution, adopted by the committee, which vests a negative in the national legislature on the laws of the several states. Friday assigned to reconsider.

It was then moved and seconded, that the committee do now rise, report a further progress, and request leave to sit again. The committee then rose.

In the House.

Mr. President in the chair.

Mr. Gorham reported, from the committee, That the committee had made a further progress in the matter to them referred, and had directed him to move that they may have leave to sit again.

"Resolved, That this house will to-morrow again resolve itself into a committee of the whole house, to consider of the state of the American Union."

And then the house adjourned till to-morrow at 11 o'clock, A. M.

In the House.

Mr. President resumed the chair.

Mr. Gorham reported, from the committee, That the com-