Page:Debates in the Several State Conventions, v1.djvu/239

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It was moved and seconded to refer the resolution respecting the executive (except that clause which provides that it consist of a single person) to the committee of detail.

Before determination was taken on the last motion, it was moved and seconded to adjourn. Passed in the affirmative.

Yeas: Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, 9. Nays: New Hampshire, Connecticut, 2.

The house adjourned till to-morrow, at 11 o'clock, A. M.

Thursday, July 26, 1787.

It was moved and seconded to amend the 3d clause of the resolution respecting the national executive, so as to read as follows, namely, "for the term of seven years, to be ineligible a second time;" which passed in the affirmative.

Yeas: New Hampshire, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, 7. Nays: Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Delaware, 3.

On the question to agree to the whole resolution respecting the supreme executive, namely,—

"Resolved, That a national executive be instituted

"To consist of a single person;

"To be chosen by the national legislature;

"For the term of seven years;

"To be ineligible a second time;

"With power to carry into execution the national laws;

"To appoint officers not otherwise provided for;

"To be removable on impeachment and conviction of malpractice or neglect of duty;

"To receive a fixed compensation for the devotion of his time to public service;

"To be paid out of the public treasury,"
it passed in the affirmative.

Yeas: New Hampshire, Connecticut, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, 6. Nays: Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, 3. Divided: Virginia, 1.

It was moved and seconded to agree to the following resolution, namely:—

"Resolved, That it be an instruction to the committee, to whom were referred the proceedings of the Convention for the establishment of a national government, to receive a clause or clauses, requiring certain qualifications of landed property and citizenship in the United States, for the executive, the judiciary, and the members of both branches of the legislature of the United States; and for disqualifying all such persons as are