Page:Debates in the Several State Conventions, v1.djvu/341

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and every act, matter, and clause, therein contained, conformedly to the resolutions of the legislature passed the 29th day of October, 1787,—any law, usage, or custom, to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding;"

Now be it known, that we, the delegates of the state of New Jersey, chosen by the people thereof, for the purpose aforesaid, having maturely deliberated on and considered the aforesaid proposed Constitution, do hereby, for and on the behalf of the people of the said state of New Jersey, agree to, ratify, and confirm, the same and every part thereof.

Done in Convention, by the unanimous consent of the members present, this 18th day of December, in the year of our Lord 1787, and of the independence of the United States of America the twelfth.

In witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names.


and delegate from the county of Hunterdon

County of   County of  
Cape May, . . . Jesse Hand, Middlesex, . . . John Neilson,
  Jeremiah Eldridge,   John Beatty,
  Matthew Willdin.   Benjamin Manning.
Hunterdon, . . . David Brearly, Monmouth, . . . Elisha Lawrence,
  Joshua Corshon.   Samuel Breese,
Morris, . . . William Windes,   William Crawford.
  William Woodhull, Somerset, . . . John Witherspoon,
  John Jacob Faesch.   Jacob R. Hardenberg,
Cumberland, . . . David Potter,   Frederick Frelinghuysen.
  Jonathan Bowen, Burlington, . . . Thomas Reynolds,
  Eli Elmer.   Geo. Anderson,
Sussex, . . . Robert Ogden,   Joshua M. Wallace
  Thomas Anderson, Gloucester, . . . Richard Howell,
  Robert Hoops.   Andrew Hunter,
Eergem, . . . John Fell,   Benjamin Whitall.
  Peter Zobriskie, Salem, . . . Whitten Cripps,
  Cornelius Hennion.   Edmund Wetherby.
Essex, . . . John Chetwood,    
  Samuel Hay,    
  David Crane.    

Attest. Samuel W Stockton, Secretary


In the Name of the People of the State of Connecticut

We, the delegates of the people of said state, in general Convention assembled, pursuant to an act of the legislature in October last, have assented to, and ratified, and by these presents do assent to, on the 17th day of September, A. D. 1787, for the United States of America.

Done in Convention, this 9th day of January, A. D. 1788.

In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands.


Jeremiah Wadsworth, Jabez Fitch, John Curtiss,
Jesse Root, Nehemiah Beardsley, Asa Barns,
Isaac Lee, James Potter, Stephen Mix Mitchell,
Selah Hart, John Chandler, John Chester,
Zebulon Peck, Jun., Issac Burnham, Oliver Ellsworth,
Elisha Pitkin, John Wilder, Roger Newberry,
Erastur Wolcott, Mark Prindle, Roger Sherman,
John Watson, Jedediah Hubbel, Pierpont Edwards,
John Treadwell, Aaron Austin, Samuel Beach,
William Judd, Samuel Canfield, Daniel Holbrook,
Nathaniel Minor, Daniel Everitt, John Holbrook,
Jonathan Sturges, Hezekiah Fitch, Gideon Buckingham,
Thaddeus Burr, Joshua Porter, Lewis Mallet, Jun.
Elisha Whittlesey, Benjamin Hinma, Joseph Hopkins,
Joseph Moss White, Joseph Mosely, John Welton,
Amos Mead, Wait Goodrich, Richard Law,

vol. i.41