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DEBKETT ADVERTISEMENTS. METROPOLITAN DRINKING FOUNTAIN & CATTLE TROUGH ASSOCIATION. Office : Victoria House, 111, Victoria St., Westminster, S. W SUPPORTED ENTIRELY BY VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS. President His GRACE THE DUKE OF WESTMINSTER, KG., &c. Chairman of Committee and Treasurer SAMUEL GURNET, Esq. F.R.G.S., F.L.S., &c. General Manager and Secretary JOHN LEE, ESQ., F.R.G.S. This is the only Society which provides free supplies of water in the streets of London, and the relief which it affords, both to human beings and dumb animals, is incalculable. More than 1,800 horses, besides oxen, sheep, and dogs, frequently drink at a single trough in one day, and half an hour spent at one of these troughs during the heat of the summer would enable the poor creatures to plead their own cause with far more power than any words which the Committee can use. At the fountains it is estimated that nearly 300,000 people drink daily in the summer, more than 8,000 having been known to drink at one fountain in a single day, many of whom are working men, who would otherwise be com- pelled to resort to the public-house to quench their thirst, and the Association thus not only relieves one of the most pressing wants of the itinerant poor, but also prevents many of the industrial classes from contracting habits of intemperance. More than 4OO Troughs and Fountains have been erected and are kept in repair and supplied with water by this Society in some cases the Committee have to pay as much as 30 a year for the water consumed at a single trough and they earnestly solicit liberal contributions, without which it will be im- possible for them to sustain and extend a work the beneficent effects of which are experienced by so many million human beings' and animals every year. Contributions may be paid to the Bankers, Messrs. Ransom, Bouverie, $ Co., Pall Mall East, S. W. ; and Messrs. Barclay, Bevan, $ Co., Lombard Street, E.G.; or at the Office of the Association to the General Manager and Secretary.