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DEBRETT ADVERTISEMENTS. %iim fm mti fife Jssirrmrce 92, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1808, And Empowered by Act of Parliament of the 5lth George III. c. 79. Bircctors. Chairman Thos. Chapman, Esq., F.R.3. D<jp. Chairman Benjamin Buck Greene Esa Ctl ATTiTli __ T TKT T> ___ __ T> __ X 1 _ 1 ___ /^ _ _ . - i -. * *1 Sir William J. W. Baynes, Bart. Arthur Edward Campbell, Esq. James Pattisou Currie, Esq. Joseph Grote, Esq. John Oliver Hanson, Esq. John George Maclean, Esq. Bear Admiral Montgomery. Charles Andrew Prescott, Esq. Richard Blaney Wade, Esq. Philip Ainslie Walker Esq. Auditors Frederick Greene, Esq.. and Eugene Frederick Nowel, Esq. Secretary Richard Ray, Esq. Actuary William Henry Tyndall, Esq. Sol icitor Thomas Brovvnin- Esq Consulting .4 ct nary Charles Ansell, Esq., F.R.S. Medical Officer William Coulson, Esq., F.S.A. .Bankers Messrs. Prescott, Grote, Cave, and Cave. This Office has been established more than 63 years, audits present magnitude and prosperity prove the soundness of the principles on which it has been conducted. LIFE DEPARTMENT. The accumulated Premiums are over 1,550,000. The Annual Income exceeds 160,000. The sum of 5,742,140 has been paid in claims under Life Policies. Large bonuses hade been declared and paid as additions to the amounts assured. Premiums on Policies have been greatly reduced where parties have so applied the Bonuses on their Policies. Persons assuring in Great Britain have the option of Participating Rates of Premium, or of Non- Participating Rates. Combined Provisions may be made for old age and early death, so that a person mny secure a sum to be paid to himself at an age agreed upon, or to his Executors if he should die before that age. Residence in Countries beyond the limits of Europe is allowed on favourable terms; in most temperate climates without extra premium, beyond a moderate charge lor the voyage only. "Whole "World Assurances are granted. Notices ot the Assignment of Life Policies are received and acknowledged, Advances are made 011 Policies to the extent of their value. Persons desiring to surrender their Assurances may receive their value in money, or, in lieu theieof, may obtain a new Policy without further payment of Premium. The Directors are ready to receive proposals for Assurances, or any contingency involving payment of a sum at death. FIRE DEPARTMENT. This Company undertakes the Assurance of almost every species of Property in the United Kingdom, at Rates of Premium and upon principles which will be found quite as advantageous to the interest of the Assured as those offered by any other office. The Directors can confidently refer to the well-known character of the Company for liberality and promptitude in the discharge of claims made upon it during the many years it has been established. No charge made for Policy Stamps. Renewals should be paid within fifteeu days after the respective Quarter-day when they become due. Losses occasioned by Lightning will be paid. The Policies of the Company exttnd to cover Losses occasioned by the HJxplosion of Gas. The Company is ready to receive application for Agencies in those Towns and Districts in which it is not at present represented. Application to be made to the Secretary. ALL FIRE ASSURANCES ARE NOW EXEMPT FROM THE PAYMENT OF ALL GOVERNMENT DUTY. Tables of Rates, Forms of Proposal, and any information needful to effect'. Life or Fire Assurances, may be obtained on application to tho Office, No. 92, Cfoapside, London, or to ny of the Company's A gents.