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DEBRETT ADVERTISEMENTS. 17 FOR LIVES OIVLY. 79, PALL MALL, LONDON, S,W. ESTABLISHED IN 1807. gkericrrs, WILLIAM A. GUY, M.D., F.R.S., Chairman. GEORGE RUSSELL, Esq., Deputy Chairman. CHARLES BISCHOFF, Esq. | CHARLES JELLICOE, Esq. THOMAS BODDINGTON, Esq. CHARLES CHATFIELD, Esq. Sir JAS.BULLER EAST, Bart.,D.C.L. ROBERT ALEX. GRAY, Esq. RALPH LUDLOW LOPES, Esq. JAMES MURRAY, Esq., C.B., F.R.G.S. Sir PHILIP ROSE, Bart. Admiral TINDAL. HENRY ROSE, Esq. | WM. R. BARKER, Esq. JOHN W. OSLE, M.D. | WILLIAM CHOLMELEY, Esq., M.D g^twarjr auto ^taetarg, GEORGE HUMPHREYS, Esq., M.A. Premiums and Interest 451,296 Accumulated Funds 3,000,998 Also a Subscribed Capital of more than .. 1,500,000 EXPENSES OF MANAGEMENT A little over Three per Cent, of the Gross Income. MARRIED WOMEN'S PROPERTY ACT. A married woman may effect a Policy of Assurance iipon her own life or the life of her husband for her separate use. By this Act a Policy of Assurance effected by any MARRIED MAN on his own life, and expressed on the face of it to be for the benefit of his wife, or children, or any of them, is deemed a trust for the benefit of them according to the interest so expressed, and shall not be subject to the coatrol of the husband or of his creditors. A MEDICAL OFFICER is in attendance at the Head Office, at Two o'clock on every Wednesday and Thursday, and at Three o'clock every Tuesday and Friday, before whom persons whose lives are proposed foiinsurance may appear. No personal interview with the Directors is required. THE ANNUAL REPORTS of the Company 'a state and progress, prospectuses and forms, may be had, or will be sent, post free, on application at the Office, or to any of the Company's Agents.