Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/202

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130 I>EBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED PEERAGE. 9rmg, Quarterly of four : 1st, or, a mountain, azure, in flame, proper, Macleod of Lewis; 2nd, azure, a buck's head, cabossed, or, Mackenzie; 3rd, gules, three legs of a man, armed, proper, conjoined in the centre at the upper part of the thighs, placed in triangle, garnished and spurred, or, for the Isle of Man, formerly belonging to the Macleods -, 4th, argent, on a pale, sable, an imperial crown, proper, within a double tressure, flowered and counter-flowered, with a fleur-de-lis, gules, Erskine of Inmerkeill. Supporters, Dexter, a wild man, wreathed about the loins with oak, holding a club resting on the exterior shoulder, proper j sinister, a greyhound, argent, collared, gules. For Seats, Residence, &c., see Duke of Sutherland. Crowhurst, Viscount, son of the Earl of Cottenham, (see Cottenham) . Cuffe, family name of the Earl of Desart. Culloden, Baron, title borne by H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge. Cumbrae, Lord, title borne by the Marquess of Bute. CUMBERLAND, DUKE OF, see " PEERS OF THE BLOOD ROYAL." Cumming, (Hovell-Thurlow-Cumming-Bruce), family name of Baron Thurlow. Curzon, Viscount, title borne by Earl Howe. family name of Baron Be La Zouche. ,, Baron Scarsdale. (Roper-Curzon), family name of Baron Teynham, Cust, family name of Earl Brownlow.