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DEBRETT ADVERTISEMENTS. 19 EQUITY AND LAW LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, 18, LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS, LONDON, W.O. ESTABLISHED 1844. CAPITAL, ONE MILLION, FULLY SUBSCRIBED. Trustees. The Hon.The Vice-Chan. SIB RICHD. MALINS . THOMAS GLOVER KENSIT, Esq. JOHN M. CLABON, Esq. The Right Hon. VISCOUNT CARDWEIX. The Right Hon. SIR WILLIAM ERLE. The Rt. Hon. SIR JOHN TAYLOR COLERIDGE. ROBERT JOHN PORCHER BROUGHTON, Esq. Directors. GEORGE LAKE RUSSELL, Esq., Chairman j N. ROLLINGS WORTH, Esq. JOHN M. CLABON, Esq., Deputy Cnairman HENRY WM. BIRCH, Esq. HENRY Fox BUISTOWE. Esq., Q.C. R. J. P. BROUGHTON, Esq. The Hon. Mr. BARON CLEASBY. The Hon. Mr. JUSTICE DENMAN. CHARLES J. DIMOND, Esq. SIMON DUNNING. Esq. WM. HILLIARD DUNSTER, Esq. ALX. STAVELEY HILL, Esq..Q.C., D.C.L., 31 WILLIAM E. HILLIARD, Esq. JOHN ILIFFE, Esq. IHOS. GLOVE it KENSIT, Esq. WM. BENFOUD NKLSON, Esq. FREDERICK PEAKE, Esq. The lit. Hon. SIB HOBERT J. PHILLIMORE. W. B. S. RACKHAM, Esq. H*. CKCIL RAIKES, Esq., M.P. GEORGE ROBINS, Esq. ALFRED H. SHADWELL, Eq. HORACE W. SMITH, Esq., M.A. RICHARD SMITH, Esq. Auditors. 'Elected by the Proprietors JOHN BOODLE, Esq., GEORGE THOMSON POWELL, Esq. Elected by the Assured A. H. BAILEY, Esq., LEONARD ROWE VALPY, Esq. Solicitor GEORGK ROOFER, Esq., 17, Lincoln's Inn Fields. Medical Officer R. P. COTTON, M.D., 33, Cavendish Square. Actuary and Secretary G. W. BERRIDGE, Esq. Policies are indisputable, except on 1he ground of fraud. Lapsed Policies are revived within the period of three months upon payment of the overdue premium and a small fine, without evidence of health. Whole World Licenses will be granted in most cases, without payment of extra Premium . Nine-tenths of the Profits are divided among the Assured every live y*ars. At an Extraordiuary General Meeting, held on June 9tb, 1875, the sum of 844,379 was set aside as the value of the Society's liabilities under its Assurance and Annuity Contracts, and 173,180 was ordered to be divided as Bonus, leaving a balance of undivided profit ci r 20,033. Nine-tenths of the sum divided was allotted among holders of Policies for 2,500,000. TABLE of the TOTAL ADDITIONS made tip to December 3Ist, 1874, to POLICIES of 1,000 each. NUMBER OF PREMIUMS PAID. Age at Entry. Thirty. Twenty-five. Twenty. Fifteen. Ten. Five. s. d. B. d. s. d. s. d. a. d. s. d. 30 G5 10 549 434 10 290 10 175 78 10 45 841 678 10 533 353 10 211 93 60 ~ 787 10 517 310 10 137 10 b 2