Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/278

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EEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED PEERAGE. GAGE, VISCOUNT. Courage without fear. (GAGE.) Sits as BAROX. HEXRY HALL GAGE, 4th Viscount, and a Baronet. Born Dec-. 14th, 17'Jl ; suc- ceeded his father in 1808; was educa- Westminster, and at Trinitv C.<>*-'. Cam- bridge, (M.A. 181^): is a Dep. Lieut, of Sussex, and a Magnate for Ka.-t Sussex: married (1813) K!izaleth Maria, eldest daughter of the late Hon. K-Uanl Foley, (this lady died, 1857;, and 1 Sun, Edward Thomas, C.B., b. 1825, m. 1st, 1856; 2ndly, 1882. Daughters, Elizabeth Maria. Caroline Harriet, TO. 1847, the 4th Viscount Gort. l-'anny Char- lotte, m. 1853> (Tomlii Heir, His grandson, Henry Charles Gage, son of Col. the Hon. Henry Edward Hall Gage, who d. lb75. B. 1854; was educated at Christ Church, Oxford. Residencts, Firle Place, Lewes, Sussex. Creations, Baron Gage of Castlebar, and Viscount Gage of Castle Island, in the peer- age of Ireland, 1720, Baron Gage of High Meadow, in the peerage of Great Britain, J79. A Baronet, 1622. arms, Quarterly : 1st and 4th, per saltire, argent and azure, a saltire, gules, 2nd and 3rd, azure, a sun in splendour, or, St. Clrre. Crest, A rain statant, argent and unguled, or. 5upportms Two greyhounds of a light brown colour, proper, gorged with plain collars, adorned on their upper edges with fleurs-de-: .,> t, Firle- place, Lewes, Sussex. Town Residence,*, Whitehall -yard, S.W. Clubs, Athenaeum, Union. GAGE, Viscount, His lordship's predecessor was his father. Hem Viscount Gage, who was />. March 4, 1761 ; succeeded his uncle, (Jet. 1 1, ~

. in. Jan. 1 1, 

<anna Maria, daughter of W. Skinner, Esq. and d. Jwi. 29, 1808, having isbue two sons. Her ladyship d. in 1821. All well, or nothing GAINSBOROUGH, EARL OF. (OEL.) Cn RLK GKOI;;E V>i;i.. 2nd Kr.rl. and a Baronet, Lord Lieut, of Rutland. Born Sept. 5th, 181*: sum-p d-d his father in 1> -iicatcd at Trinity College, Cambridge; sat ;is M.P. for Rutland, 1^-10 1, and was High Sheriff' of that county 1848: Jhire Vi-mnanry ry 1850 7 wlu-u In- , -raJin; Major; B Dep. Lieut, of Rutland, 1844 07, and is a Magistrate for Gloucestershire: married (1841) Lady Adelaide Augusta Hay, daughter of the 17th Karl of KrroH, -^who died 1807, and has issue, living, SOTU Charles William Francis, Viscount Campden, b. 1850; edwat. Catholic College; is a Lieut, in 10th , i.lubs, St. James's, Boodle's. Junior United Service, St. George's. Edward, b. 185'J. 7M M ^r*,-Blanrhe Elizabeth Mary Annunciata, *. 1845, m .1870 . (Mrhy). -Cm.stam-c Julia Eleanor Georgiana, 6.1847, m. 1874 (Bellingham ; . Edith Horatia hmma Frances n^lf.nrothers,-R K M Hon. Gerard James, PC., M.P., b. 1823 m. b. 1824, m. 1852. Roden Berkeley Wriothesley, b. I - t. 18G3.