Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/281

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DEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED PEERAGE. 209 Seat Serlby Hall, Bawtry, Yorkshire. C/Mds,Carlton, Travellers,' Boodle's. Town Residence, , Clifford Street, W. GAL WAY, Viscount, -His lordship's predecessor was his father, William George, 5th Viscount Galway, who was 6. March 28, 1/82; succeeded his father, July 23, 1810 ; TO. June 4, 1804, Catherine Elizabeth, daughter of the late Captain G. Handfield ; and d. Feb. 2, 1834, having issue six sons and two daughters. Her ladyship d. in 1862. GARDNER, BARON. (GARDNER.) ALAN LEGGE GARDNER, 3rd Baron, and a Baronet. Born Jan. 29th, 1810; succeeded his father in 1815 ; was educated at Eton, and at Trinity College, Cambridge, (M.A. 18) ; was Lord of the Bedchamber to William IV. 18827, and to the Queen, 1837 41; is a Dep. Lieut, and a Magis- trate for Berkshire: married 1st (1835), the Hon. Frances Margaret Hughes, daughter of the 1st Baron Dinorben, (this lady died, 1847); 2ndly, (1848) Julia Sarah Hayfield, daughter of Edward F. T. Fortescue, Esq. and has issue, from the second marriage, living, Daughters, Florence Coulstoun, m. 1875, the 4th Earl of Onslow. Evelyn Coulstoun. Heir presumptive, His cousin, Stewart William, son of Rear Admiral the Hon. Francis Faruigtoii Gardner, and grandson of the 1st Baron Gardner. B. 1812. Creations, Baron Gardner of Uttoxeter, in the peerage of Ireland, 1800, and Baron Gardner of Uttoxeter, in that of the United Kingdom, 1806. A Baronet, 1794. Virtue is a sheet anchor. , Argent : on a chevron, gules, between three griffins' heads erased, azure, an anchor erect, with a piece of cable, supported by two lions counter-passant, chevronwise, of the field. Crest, A demi- griffin, azure, collared and chained, or, holding in the claws an anchor, as in the arms. Supporters, Two griffins, wings elevated, azure, beaked, mem- bered, and gorged with a naval coronet, or, and resting the interior hind foot on an anchor, sable. Seats, Raymede, Maidenhead, Berkshire; Wherwell Priory, Andover, Hampshire. Town Residence, 46, Dover Street, W. Clubs, White's, Brooks's, Boodle's. GARDNER, Baron, His lordship's predecessor was his father, Alan Hyde, K.C.B. 2nd Baron Gardner. He was b. Feb. 6, 1770, and succeeded his father in 1809. He was an Admiral in the Royal Navy, and was gazetted a Viscount in 18)5, but died before the patent passed the Great Seal. M. 1st, March 9, 1796, Maria Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Adderley, Esq. of Innisshannon, (this marriage was dissolved, in 1805) j 2ndly, April 10, 1809, the Hon. Charlotte Elizabeth Smith, daughter of the 1st Baron Carington, (she d. 1811); and d. Dec. 27, 1815, having had issue, from the second marriage, a son and a daughter. Garioch, Lord, son of the Earl of Mar and Kellie, (see Mar and Kellie.) Garlies, Lord, title borne by the Earl of Galloway.