Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/291

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DEBRETT S ILLUSTRATED PEERAGE. 219 GRANTLEY, LORD, AND MARKENFIELD, BARON OF. (NORTON.) THOMAS BRINSLEY NORTON, 4th Lord and Baron, son of the late Hon. George Chappie Norton, who died 1875, by Caroline, daughter of the late Thomas Sheridan, Esq. Born 1831 ; succeeded his uncle in 1875 : married (1854) Maria Elisa Frederigo, of the Island of Capri, and has issue, living, Son, John Richard Brindsley, b. 1855. Daughter, Carlotta Chiara. Patron of one living, Wonersh, V. Surrey. I follow a long line of ancestry. Creation, Lord Grantley and Baron of Markenfield, Yorkshire, in the peerage of Great Britain, 1732. &rms, Azure : a maunch, ermine, surmounted by a bend, gules. C3t, A blackamoor boy's head, affrontee, couped at the shoulders, proper, wreathed round the temples with laurel, and round the neck a torse, argent and azure. .ijupportn'S, Dealer, a lion, and fillister, a griffin, wings elevated, both argent, and ducally gorged, or, and pendent from the coronets, by a red ribbon, a shield of the arms of Norton. Seats, Grantley Hall, Yorkshire; Wonersh Park, near Guildford, Surrey; Dale, Perthshire; Kettlethorpe Hall, Wakefleld. Town Residence, 10, Wilton Place, S.W. GRANTLEY, Lord, and MARKENFIELD, Baron, His lordship's pre- decessor was his uncle, Fletcher, 3rd Lord and Baron, son the Hon. Fletcher Norton, a Baron of the Exchequer in Scotland, who was 2nd son of the 1st Baron. He was b. July 14, 1/98, and succeeded his uncle 1822 ; was educated at the Royal Military College, Sand- hurst ; herved in the Guards for several years ; was present at Waterloo (where he was wounded), and at Quatre Brasj led a storming party at Peronne; was High Steward of Guildford, and a Magistrate for Surrey and Yorkshire : m, 1825, Charlotte Earle, youngest daughter of the late Sir William Beechey. He d. 1875, without issue. GRANTLEY, Lady, CHARLOTTE EARLE, youngest daughter of the late Sir William Beechey; m. 1825, Fletcher Norton, 3rd Lord Grantley, who d. 1875. Residence, Grantley Hall, Yorkshire. GRANVILLE, EARL. (LEVESON-GOWER.) GRANVILLE GEORGE LEVESON-GOWER, K.G., P.C., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S. 2nd Earl. Born May llth, 1815 ; succeeded his father in 1846; educated at Eton, and at Christ Church, Oxford (Hon. D.C.L. 1863); attached to the Embassy at Paris, 1835 6; was Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1840 1 ; Master of the Buckhounds, 1846 8; Vice President of the Board of Trade, 1848 51 ; Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1851 2 ; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1854 5 ; Lord Pre- sident of the Council, 18524, 18558, You may break, but you will not bend me.