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28 DEBRETT ADVERTISEMENTS. QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY^ CAPITAL-TWO JVMLLIOI^S STERLING. Chief Offices QUEEN INSUKAtfOE BUILDINGS, LIVERPOOL, 60, GEAOEOHUEOH STEEET, LONDON, FIBE-LIFE-ANNUITIES, BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Cfjairtnan cf tfjc Companu. BERNARD HALL, Esq., Merchant (Bernard Hall & Co.), Liverpool. Srputu (JDfjairmen. GEORGE B. KERFERD, Esq., Merchant (G. B. Kerferd & Co.), Liverpool. J. B. THOMSON, Esq., Broker (J. B. Thomson & Co.), Liverpool. Directors. JOHN BINGHAM, E--q., Merchant (J. Bingham & Co.), Liverpool. THOMAS RIDGWAY BRIDSON, Esq. (T. R. Bridson & Sons), Bolton. HENRY DUCKWORTH, Esq., Cotton Broker (Cawie, Duckworth, & Co.), Liverpool. ANDREW GALBRAITH, Esq., Merchant, Glasgow. EUSTACE GREG, Esq. (Greg & Co.), London. C. R. HALL, Esq., Wine Broker (C. R. Hall & Son). Liverpool. W. HIND, Esq., Merchant (J. H. Hind & Co.), Liverpool. THOMAS HOLDER, Esq., Cotton Broker (Chambres, Holder, & Co.), Liverpool. C. C. JOHNSTOV, Esq., Merchant (S. Johnston, & Co.), Liverpool. PETER M'LAGAN, Esq., M.P., Edinburgh and London. JAMES MORTON, Esq., Greenock Iron Company, Greenock. J. T. PAGAN, Esq., J.P., Guildford, and Reform Club, London. T. M. PATTERSON, Esq., Merchant ( Patterson Bros. & Co.), Liverpool. FLETCHER ROGERS, Esq., Cotton Broker (Rogers & Calder), Liverpool. JOHN SHARP, Esq., Flax Spinner, Dundee. EMIL SPRlNGMltfN, Esq., Merchant (Springmann & Cx), Liverpool. N. W. J. STRODE, Esq., Chislehurst, and Carlton Club, London. The following extract from the Sixteenth Annual Eeport (year ending 31st December, 1874), will show the ample character of the Security offered. THE FUNDS OF THE COMPANY STAND AS FOLLOW : CAPITAL PAID UP 179,835 LIFE ASSURANCE ACCUMULATION FUND .. .. 204,048 ANNUITY FUND 7,471 RESERVE FUND AND SUSPENSE ACCOUNT .. 180,000 Extract from the Report on the Company's Life Branch, dated 6th May, 1874, by SAMUEL BROWN, ESQ., late President of the Institute of Actuaries: " The precautions which have been taken not to anticipate any of the future Profits of the Company, and by using the Tables on which the Premiums are based, at a very low rate of Interest, to strengthen its position at all future divisions, are sure to lead to the confidence mid support of the public." The amount at the credit of the Life Fund exceeds 67 per cent, of the entire net Premiums received on every policy now in existence. CAREFUL SELECTION OF LIVES, AND CONSEQUENT LARGE BONUSES. The Company has paid, in satisfaction of Claims, 1,558,535. J. MONCRIEFF WILSON, GENERAL MANAGER. T. WALTON THOMSON, SUB-MANAGER. J. K. KUMFORD, RES. SECRETARY, London.