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328 DEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED PEERAGE. METHUEN, BARON. (METHUEN.) FREDERICK HENRY PAUL METHUEN, 2nd Baron. Born Feb. 23rd, 1818 ; suc- ceeded his father in 1849 ; educated at Harrow, and at the Royal Military Col- lege, Sandhurst ; was sometime Cornet in the Royal Horse Guards, and Lieut, in the 71st Foot, retired 1842 ; is Col. Com- mandant of the Wiltshire Militia ; Militia Aide-de-Camp to the Queen (with the rank of Colonel), and a Dep. Lieut, and a Magistrate for Wiltshire; was a Lord in Waiting to the Queen, 185966, and 1868 74; is a co-heir to the Earldom of Scars- Virtue is the mark of envy. dale and Barony of Deincourt: married (1844) Anna Horatia Caroline, only daughter of the Rev. John Sanford, of Nynehead, and has issue, living, Sows, Paul Sanford, b. 1845 : educated at Eton ; entered the Scots Fusilier Guards as Ensign and Lieut. 1864, appointed Lieut, and Capt. 1867, and Adjt. and Brigade Major, 1872 ; was Cornet Wilts Yeomanry Cavalry. Residence, same as Baron Methuen. Club, Guards'. Frederick George Paul, 6.1851. Daughters, Georgiana Horatia, b. 1846. Jane Charlotte, b. 1847, m. 18/0 (Stapleton- Cotton). Florence Geraldine Marian, b. 1850. Brother living,--St. John George Paul, 6. 1819, m. 1854. Sister living, Jane Matilda, m. 1849, (Lewis). Patron of one living, Corsham, V. Wiltshire. Creation, Baron Methuen of Corsham, in the county of Wilts, in the peerage of the United Kingdom, 1838. 3rms, Argent ; three wolves' heads erased, proper, borne on the breast of an imperial eagle. Citst A wolf's head couped, proper. .Supporters, Two fiery lynxes reguardant, proper, collared and chained, or. Seat, Corsham-court, Chippenharn, Wiltshire. Town Address, 92, Queen's-gate, W. Clubs, White's, Maryborough, Brooks's. METHUEN, Baron, His lordship's predecessor was his father, Paul, 1st Baron Methuen. He was b. June 2!, 1799; he was in several Parliaments a repre- sentative of Wiltshire, and was created, in 1838, Baron Methuen : m. July 31, 1810, Jane Dorothy, daughter of Sir Henry Mildmay, 3rd Baronet, of Moulsham-hall (she d. 1846), and d. Sept. 14, 1849, having had issue, three sons and a daughter. MEXBOROUGH, EARL OF. (SAVILE.) JOHN CHARLES GEORGE SAVILE, 4th Earl, in the peerage of Ireland. Born June 4th, 1810; succeeded his father in 1860; was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, (M.A. 1831) ; was M.P. for Gatton, 1831, and for Pontefract, 1845 47 ; married, 1st (1842), Lady Rachel Kathe- rine Walpole, eldest daughter of Horatio, 3rd Earl of Orford, (this lady died, 1854), and has issue, living, Son, John Horace, Viscount Pollington, b. 1843 ; was educated at Eton and at Trinity College, Cambridge, (M.A. 1866) : unsuccessfully contested the first Parliamentary election by ballot at Pontefract, Aug. 1872, and again Feb. 1874 j is a Dep. Lieut, and a Magistrate