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DPJBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED PEERAGE. 335 July 1866, and from Dec. 1868 till Oct. 1869, when he was appointed Lord Justice Clerk, by the official title of Lord Moncreiif, and created a Privy Councillor; late Lord Rector of the University of Edinburgh. Is a Dep.- Lieut. and a Magistrate for Edinburgh; and a Dep.-Lieut. for Kinross- shire, and Lient.-Col. Edinburgh Rifle Volunteers. Sat as M.P. for Leith district (L.) from April 1851 till May 1859, for Edinburgh from that date until Nov. 1868, and for the Universities of Glasgow and Aberdeen from Dec. 1868 till Oct. 1869. Married (1834) Isabella, only daughter of Robert Bell, Esq., of Edinburgh, Advocate and Sheriff of Berwick and Haddington, and Procurator of the Church of Scotland, and has issue, living, Sons, Henry James, b. 1840; educated at Harrow and at Trinity College, Cambridge (B.A. and LL.B. 1861, 1st Class Law Tripos) ; called to the Scottish Bar, 1863 : m. 1st, 1866, Susan Wilhelmine who d. 186y 3rd daughter of Sir William H. Dick-Cunyngham, 8th Baronet; 2ndly, 18/3, Millicent Julia, daughter of Col. Fryer, of Moulton Paddock, Newmarket. Residence, 15, Ainslie Place, Edinburgh. Club, New (Edinburgh) Rev. Robert Chichester, b. 1843, in. 18/1. James, b. 1845, m. 1872. Frederick, b. 1817 Francis Jeffery, b. 1849, m. 1871. Daughters. Eleanor Jane Ross, m. 1873 (Blair) . Marianne. Brothers lining, The Rev. Sir Henry Wellwood, D.D., 10th Bart., b. 180Q; educated a* the High School at Edinburgh, at Edinburgh University, and at New College, Oxford (B.A. 18:<l) ; was formerly a clergyman of the Established Church in Scotland, but is now minister of the " Free" Church in Scotland, at St. Cuthbert's, Edinburgh . m. 1838, Alexina Mary, daughter of George Bell, Esq. Seat, Tulliebole Castle, Kinross-shire. Residence, 2, Bruntsfield Place, Edinburgh. William, b. 1813, m. I8fi0, Susan Ballantine, daughter of J. D. Ballantine Dykes, Esq., of Dovenby Hall, Cumberland. The Rev. George Robertson, M.A., b. 1817; educated at the Edinburgh Academy, at the Universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow, and at Balliol College, Oxford ; was formerly Rector of Tattenhall, Cheshire ; appointed Inspector of Schools, 1850 : m. 1853, Martha, daughter of Mr. William Home. Sisters living, Elizabeth. Louisa Anne. Catherine Mary. Creation, Baron Moncreiff of Tulliebole, in the County of Kinross, in the peerage of the United Kingdom, 1873. 'Jhms, Quarterly : 1st ;md 4th, argent, a lion rampant gules, armed and langued azure , a chief ermine; 2nd and 3rd, argent an oak tree issuing out of a well in base proper, Crest. A demi-lion rampant as in the arms. Supporters, Two men armed cap-a-pie, holding in the exterior hand a spear. Residence, 16, Great Stuart Street, Edinburgh. C/wis, Brooks's, Reform. Monsell, family name of Baron Emly. MONSON, BARON. (MONSON.) WILLIAM JOHN MONSON, P.C., 7th Baron, and a Baronet. Born Feb. 18th, 1829; succeeded his father in 1862 ; was educated at Christ Church, Oxford, (B.A. 18-ks) ; was M.P. for Reigate, 1858- 62 ; is a Dep. Lieut, and a Magistrate for Surrey and Lincolnshire ; and Col. Commandant Royal North Lincoln Militia; was Lieut.-Col. 3rd Battalion Surrey Rifle Volunteers I860 72, and Treasurer of Her Majesty's Household 1874: married (1869) Mai-la Ready for my country. Adelaide, Dowager Countess of Yar- borpugh. Brother* liuintr, Debonnaire John, heir presumptive, 6.1830; entered the 52nd Light Infantry as Ensign, 1848 ; became Lieut. 1851, Capt. J855, and retired, 1&62 ; is a Magis- trate for Kent; appointed Extra Equerry to H.K.H. the Duke of Edinburgh, 1875 : . 1861, Augusta Louisa Caroline, daughter ol Lieut.-Col. the Hon. Augustus Ellis, aud has,