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390 DEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED PEERAGE. RATHDONNELL, BARON. (MCCLINTOCK.) JOHN MCCLINTOCK, 1st Baron, in the peerage of Ireland, Lord Lieut, and Gustos Rotulorum of (co.) Louth, and of the town and county of Drogheda, eldest son ot the late John McClintock, Esq., formerly M.P. for (co.) Louth), by Jane, daughter of William Bunbury, Esq. M.P. of Lis- navagh, (co.) Carlow. Born 1798 ; edu- cated at the Royal Military College, Sandhurst ; was formerly an officer in the Army and served in North America ; is a Dep. Lieut, for (co.) Fermanagh, and Col. of the Louth Militia ; sat as M.P. for By virtue and industry. (co.) Louth, 1857 9, and of which he was High Sheriff, 1840: married (1829) Anne, eldest daughter of the late Rev. John Henry G. Lefroy, of Ewshot-house, Hants. Heir, by special remainder (see Creation) His nephew, Thomas Kane, elder son of the late Capt. William McClintock-Bunbury, R.N., b. 1848 ; educated at Eton; sometime M. X P. for co. Carlow, and brother of the present peer, by Pauline Caroline, daughter of Sir James M. Stronge, 3rd Bart.; was sometime a Lieut, in the Scots Greys; is a Magistrate for co. Carlow : m. 1874, Katherine Anne, eldest daughter of Henry Bruen, Esq., M,P., and has issue living, a daughter, 6, 1875 Residence, Lisiiavagh, Tallow, co. Carlow, Ireland. C/wis, Carlton, Naval and Military, Rayleigh. Creation, Baron Rathdonnell of Rathdonnell, in the peerage of Ireland, with re- mainder to the eldest son of his brother, 1868. Srms, Per pale, gules and argent : a chevron, ermine, between three escallops counter- changed. (Crest, On a wreath, a lion passant, proper. Supporters, Dexter, a lion; sinister, a leopard, both proper, each gorged with a collar, ermine, and charged on the shoulder with an escallop, argent. Seat, Drumcar, Dunleer, (co.) Louth, Ireland. Clubs, Carlton, Sackville-street, (Dublin). Rathdown, Baron, title borne by Viscount Chetwynd. RAVENSWORTH, EARL OF. (LTDDELL.) HENRY THOMAS LIDDELL, 1st Earl, and a Baronet. Born March 10th, 1797 ; succeeded his father in 1855; educated at Eton and at Cambridge University ; is a Dep. Lieut, of Durham and North- umberland, and a Magistrate for the latter county; was M.P. for Northumberland (C.) 182630, for North Durham, 18:J7 47, and for Liverpool, 1853 5; un- successfully contested South Shields, 1852 : married (1820) Isabella Horatia, who died, 1856, eldest daughter of Lord George Seymour, and has issue, living, Sons, Henry George, Lord Eslington, M.P., b. 1821 ; was educated at Eton, and at Christ Church, Oxford; is a Dep. Lieut, of Northumberland, and a Magistrate for that county and Durham: appointed Capt. Northumberland Yeomanry Cavalry, I860, and has been M.P. for South Northumberland (C.) since 1852 : m. 1852, Maria Diana, daughter of Capt. G. Sutton, R.N. Residence, 9, Mansfield- street, Portland-place, W. Club, Carlton. Atho) Charles, b. 1833, m. 1865. One and the same.