Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/52

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xiv OBITUABY, 1875. PEERS. Agre ALDBOROUGH, Earl of, (title extinct) 67 CARNWATH, Earl of . . . 76 CHARLEVILLE, Earl of, (title extinct) 46 DE YESCI, Viscount 72 DORCHESTER, Baron 64 DUFFUS, Baron, (title extinct) 76 FITZWALTER, Baron, (title extinct) . . , 74 GRANTLEY, Lord 77 HASTINGS, Baron 21 HILL, Viscount 75 HUNTINGDON, Earl of 88 LOVAT, Baron 73 MOLESWORTH, Viscount 89 RANFURLY, Earl of 26 REAY, Baron 62 ST. LEONARD'S, Baron .93 STANHOPE, Earl . 70 TREDEGAR, Baron 83 WESTBURY, Baron . 45 YARBOROUGH, Earl of 40 PEERESSES. BEAUCHAMP, Catherine, Countess of. BERWICK, Sophia, Baroness. BLANTYRE, Fanny Mary, Baroness. BUCHAN, Agnes Graham, Countess of. CARNARVON, Evelyn, Countess of. CHELMSFORD, Anna Maria, Ba- roness. CHESTERFIELD, Marianne, Countess of. CLINTON, Frances Selina, Baroness. COTTESLOE, Baroness. DUNSANY, Elizabeth, Baroness. GREY DE RUTHYN, Baroness. HASTINGS, Frances Diana, Ba- roness. Powis, Lucy, Countess of. SCARSDALE, Blanche, Baroness. SINCLAIR, Isabella Mary, Ba- roness. 1876. CLANRICARDE, Marchioness of.