Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/581

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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE YOUNGER SONS AND MARRIED DAUGHTERS OF PEERS) AND OF THE WIDOWS OF THE FORMER BEARING -COURTESY TITLES, (Surviving issue only are referred to. ) UNMARRIED YOUNGER SONS, who do not hold, or have not held, some Official position, or who are not members of the Naval, Military, or a. Learned Profession, or who have not been educated at a University or a Public School, are not included in this list. HEIRS APPARENT, OR PRESUMPTIVE, TO PEERAGES are fully alluded to in the first section of the work, under the titles to which they are heirs ; but for the purpose of reference the names of those not being the eldest sons of Dukes or Marquesses are embodied herein. DAUGHTERS OF PEERS MARRIED TO HEIRS OF PEERS will be found noticed under the same headings as their husbands. RESIDENCES, SEATS, and CLUBS, are printed in italics. Principal Abbreviations used in this section of the work. For fuller list, see the beginning of the volume. . A.D.C , Aide-de-Camp ; Adj., Adjutant; Assist., Assistant; 6., born; Bart., Baronet; C , Conservative; Camb., Cambridge; Capt., Captain; Cav., Cavalry; Chap., Chaplain; Chm., Chairman; Ch. Ch., Christ Church; Co., County; Col., Colonel; Coll., College; Co., Commander; Cortimr., Commissioner; d., died; da., daughter; Dep., Deputy; Div., Division; Diplo., Diplomatic: ed., educated; el., eldest; Extraor., Extraordinary; Gen., General; Gov., Governor; Govt., Government; h. a., heir apparent; H.M., Her Majesty; h.p., heir presumptive ; Hon., Honorable, Honorary; J.P., Justice of the Peace; L., Liberal; Lieut., Lieutenant; m., married; Mil., Military; Min., Minister; Plen., Plenipotentiary; Pres. President; Preb., Prebendary; Regt., Regiment; Rev.. Reverend; R.N., Royal Navy; Rt., Right; Sec., Secretary; Ser., Service; Trin., Trinity; Vol., Volunteers ; Yeo., Yeomanry. ABBOTT, Hon. Mrs. Charles, da. of the late Lord George Stuart ; b. 1806 : m. 1834 the Hon. Charles Abbott (who d. 1838), son of the 1st Baron Tenderden. 31, Cadogan Place. ABERCROMBY, Hon. Lady Agnes Georgiana, da. of the 3rd Baron Kil- maine : m. 1849 Sir George Samuel Abercromby, 6th Baronet. Forglen, Afordeenshire ; 5, Portman Square, W. ABERCROMBY, Hon. John, h.p. to 4th Baron Abercromby. ABERCROMBY, Hon. Ralph, son of the 3rd Baron Abercromby ; b. 1842 ; ed. at Harrow ; entered the 6oth Rifles 1860, became Lieut. 1864 ; re- tired 1869. 21, Chapel Street, Belgrave Square, S. IV.; Naval and Military Club, W. ABNEY- HASTINGS. (See HAS* TINGS.) ABERCROMBY, Hon. Mary Cathe- rine Elizabeth, only da. of the 2nd and last Baron Dunfermline ; b. 1849. Colinton House, Edinburgh ; 56, Ecdcs- ton Square, S. W.