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YOUNGER SONS AND MARRIED DAUGHTERS OF PEERS. 521 BOSCAWEN, Hon. Hugh Le De- spencer, son of the 6th Viscount Fal- mouth ; b. 1849 ; ed. at Eton and at Trin. Coll., Camb. ; entered the ist Life Guards 1869, retired as Lieut. 1874 : m. 1872 Lady Mary Went- worth-Fitzwilliam, da. of the 6th Earl Fitzwilliam, K.G. 40, South Street, I V. ; Whites and Doodles Clubs. BOSCAWEN, Lady Mary. '(See Hon. Hugh BOSCAWEN.) BOSVILE-MACDONALD. (See MAC- DONALD.) BOSVILLE, Hon. Harriet Cassan- dra, sister of the 8th Baron Middleton: m. 1864 Godfrey Wentworth Bayard Bosville, Esq., (who d. 1865), of Thorpe Hall, Bridlington, and Gun- thwaile, Yorkshire. BOURKE, Hon. Charles Fowler, son of the 5th Earl of Mayo ; b. 1832 ; was Private Sec. to his brother, the 6th Earl of Mayo, when Ch. Sec. for Ire- land 1866-68, and afterwards to Baron Winmarleigh, when Ch. Sec. for Ire- land ; formerly Capt. Meath Militia ; has been Inspector-Gen, of Prisons in Ireland since 1868. Dublin Castle; Roseborough, Straffin, Co. Kildare, Ireland; Carlton, Boodle s, and Kil- dare Street (Dublin] Clubs. BOURKE, Hon. Edward Roden, son of the 5th Earl of Mayo ; b. 1835 ; entered the 6th (Inniskillibg) Dragoons 1857, exchanged -to 3rd Hussars 1869, and retired as Major 1872. Junior Carlton Club. BOURKE, Hon. and Rev. George Wingfield, son of the 5th Earl of Mayo; b. 1829; ed. at Univ. Coll., Durham (B.A. 1856, M.A. 1857) ; was Rector of Wold Newton, Lincolnshire 1859-65, and Chap, to the late Arch- bishop Longley, of Canterbury, whose el. da., Mary Henrietta, he /. 1858. Has been since 1866 Rector of Couls- don, near Caterham. BOURKE. Hon. Henry Lorton, son of the 5th Earl of Mayo; b. 1840; ed. at Harrow, and at Trin. Coll., Camb., (B.A. 1862); appointed Cornet of the Bucks Militia 1869. 2, ///// Street, Berkeley Square, IV. ; Marl- borough, Carlton, and Bowles s Clubs. BOURKE, Hon. John Jocelyn, son of the 5th Earl of Mayo ; b. 1823 ; entered the Army 1841, became Lieut. 1842, Capt. 1849, Major 88th Foot 1856, Lieut.-Col. 1859, and Col. 1867; served with the 88th Regt. in the Crimea 1854-5, as A.D.C. to Lord William Paulet ; was present at the battles of the Alma and Inkerman, and at the siege of Sebastopol ; served in India during the Mutiny 1857-8, including the siege of Luck- now ; commanding 37th sub-district ; has the Crimean, Turkish, and Indian medals ; is a knight of the Medjidie, and a J.P. and D.L. for Co. Meath. United Service, and Carlton Clubs. BOURKE, Hon. Maurice Archibald, h. p. to the yth Earl of Mayo. BOURKE. Hon. Robert, M.P., son of the 5th Earl of Mayo ; b. 1827 ; ed. at Hall Place School, Bexley, and at Trin. Coll., Dublin; called to the Bar at the Inner Temple 1852 ; is a D.L. and J.P. for East Lothian; has sat as M.P. for King's Lynn (C.) since 1868; appointed Under Sec. of State for Foreign Affairs, Feb. 1874 ; m. 1863 Lady Susan Georgiana Broun Ramsay, da. of the ist and last Marquess of Dalhousie, K.T. Library Chambers, Temple, E. C. ; 2, Grosvenor Gate, V. ; Coalstoun, Haddington, N.B. ; Carl- ton and St. Stephen s Clubs. BOURKE Lady Susan Georgiana. (See Hon. Robert BOURKE.) BOURNE, Lady Marion Jane. da. of the 3rd Marquess of Ely : m. ist, 1867, G. O. Springfield. Esq., of the 5th Dragoon Guards ; 2nd, 18; 5, Capt. Jas. Dyson Bourne, of the 5th Dragoon Guards, only son of Col. Bourne, M.P. BOUVERIE, Hon. and Rev. Ber- trand PLEYDELL-, son of the 4th Earl of Radnor ; b. 1846 ; ed. at Harrow and at Trin. Coll., Camb. (B.A. 1868, M.A. 1872); m. 1870 Lady Constance Jane, el. da. of the 3rd Earl Nelson ; has been since 1870 Rector of Stanton St. Quentin, near Chippenhani. BOUVERIE, Hon. Buncombe PLEY- DELL-, son of the 4th Earl of Radnor ; b. 1842 ; ed. at Harrow ; entered the 55th Foot 1862, and retired as Lieut. 1870. Longford Castle, Salisbury. BOUVERIE, Right Hon. Edward PLEYDELL-, son of the 3rd Earl of rfadnor ; b. 1818 ; ed. at Harrow