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YOUNGER SONS AND MARRIED DAUGHTERS OF PEERS. 535 the "Cygnet" screw gunboat, on the N. American station, in the Coast Guard ; proceeded with French troops to the Baltic, assisted at the capture of Bomarsund, and was engaged on the sea defences of Sebastopol ; ap- pointed Com. of the "Winchester" drill ship 1869 : m. 1858 Julia Bosville, 2nd da. of Duncan Davidson, Esq., of Tulloch, N.B. St. Gcrma^ii-en- Laye, France. CHETWYND, Hon. Richard Wal- ter, h.a. to the 6th Viscount Chetwynd. CHICHESTER, Hon. Arthur Henry, h.a. to the 2nd Baron Templemore. CHICHESTER, Hon. Augustus George Charles, son of the ist Baion Templemore ; b. 1822 ; entered the Army 1841, became Lieut. 1842, Capt. Coldstream Guards 1849, exchanged to the 8yth Foot 1853, Lieut. -Col. 77th Foot 1858, and Col. 1863, ex- changed to i6th Foot 1870 ; retired 1874 ; served with the 6th Foot in the Kaffir War 1847, and has a medal : m. 1868 Jane, da. of the late William Townend, Esq., and widow of the late H. A. Macdonald, Major 77th Regt. United Set vice and Guards' Clubs. CHICHESTER, Hon. and Very Rev. Edward, h.p. to the 3rd Marquess of Donegal. CHICHESTER, Hon. Francis Al- gernon James, son of the ist Baron Templemore ; b. 1829 ; ed. at Win- chester and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; entered the Bengal Army 1849, became Lieut. 8th Bengal Light Cav. 1850, Capt. 5th European Cav. 1858, ex- changed as Capt. to 7th Hussars 1863, and retired 1865 ; was engaged during the Indian Mutiny with the ist Sikh Irregular Cav. ; has the Indian medal acd clasp for Lucknow ; is a J.P. for Co". Wexford : m. ist 1855 Elizabeth Ann (who d. 1871), 2nd da. of George Dixon, Esq ; 2ndly,i875, Lady Emily Octavia Stewart, 5th da. of the 9th Earl of Galloway. Arthurstoiini, Co. Wexford, Ireland ; East India United Set vice Club. CHICHESTER, Lady Emily Oc- tavia. (See the Hon. Francis A. J. CHICHESTER.) CHICHESTER, Lady John. Caro- line Mary, da. of Henry Bevan, Esq. , of Hamilton Place, Piccadilly : m, 1844 .Lord John Ludford Chichester (who d. 1873), son of the 2nd Marquess ofD*onegal. Cambridge House, Twick- enham; 8, St. Georges Place, S. W. CHICHESTER, Lord Stephen Al- gernon, son of the 2nd Marquess of Donegal ; b. 1814; was formerly an officer in the army : m. 1843 Alphon- sine Louise Laure de Xarbonne. CHICHESTER-NAGLE. (See NA- GLE.) CHOISEUL. (SeeDECHOiSEUL.) CHOLMELEY, Lady Georgiana, da. of the 8th Duke of St. Albans : m. 1829 Sir Montagu John Cholmeley, 2nd Bart., M.P. (who d. 1874). 10, Upper Bclgrave Street, S. W. CHOLMONDELEY, Hon. and Rev. Henry Pitt, son of the ist Baron De- lamere ; b. 1820 ; ed. at Rugby and at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1840, M.A. 1845) ; sometime Fellow of All Souls ; was Rector of Hamstall, Staffordshire, 1848-52 : m. 1848 the Hon. Mary Leigh, da. of the ist Baron Leigh ; has been since 1852 Rector of Broadwell ?ch&Adlestrop,near Chipping Norton. CHOLMONDELEY, Lord Henry Vere, son of the 3rd Marquess of Cholmondeley ; b. 1834 : m. 1860 Frances Isabella Catherine, 2nd da. of Lieut. -Col. the Hon. George Augus- tus Spencer. 77*6' Cottage, Farnham Royal, Slough ; Junior Carlton and National Clubs. CHOLMONDELEY, Hon. Hugh, h.a. to the 2nd Baron Delamere. CHOLMONDELEY, Hon. Thomas Grenville, son of the ist Baron Dela- mere ; b. 1818 ; ed. at Rugby ; served for some years in the 43rd Lt. Infantry, and is now Hon. Col. Com. ist Cheshire Militia ; is a D.L. and a J.P. for Cheshire : m. 1850 Katherine Lucy, da. of Sir Tatton Sykes, 4th Bart. Abbots Jlfoss, A'orfhwich, Cheshire; Carlton Club. CHRISTIE, Hon. Charlotte, sister of the i3th Viscount Mountgarret ; raised to the rank of a Viscount's da. 1855 : m. 1865 J. S. Christie, Esq. Cheltenham. CHURCHILL, Lady Alan SPENCER-. Rosamond, da. of Thomas Dowker,