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YOUNGER SONS AND MARRIED DAUGHTERS OF PEERS. 537 Clifford ; b. 1830 ; is in Holy Orders in the Catholic Church. St. Joseph's, Trenchard Street, Bristol. CLIFFORD, Hon. Mrs. Charles, da. of Marmaduke William Hagger- stone-Constable-Maxwell, Esq. : m. 1822, Hon. Charles Thomas Clifford (who d. 1870), son of the yth Baron Clifford. CLIFTON, Lady Bertha Lelgarde, da. of the 2nd Marquess of Hastings (title extinct}; is a co-heiress to the Barony of Grey de Ruthyn : m. 1855 Capt. Augustus Wykeham Clifton, late of the Rifle Brigade, son of Thomas Clifton, Esq., of Clifton, and Lytham, Lancashire. CLIFTON, Lady Eleanor Cicily> sister of the 3rd Earl of Lonsdale raised to the rank of an Earl's da. 1872: m. 18 John Talbot Clifton, Esq., late M. P. Lvtham Hall, Lancashire CLINTON, Hon. Mary Margaret, da. and co-heir of the 2nd Baron Montagu (title extinct} : m. 1840 Col. Frederick Clinton. Ashley Clinton, near Lymington, Hants. CLINTON, Lord Albert Sydney PELHAM-, son of the 5th Duke of Newcastle; b. 1845; ed. at Eton: m. 1870 Frances Evelyn, widow of Capt. Edward Stotherd, 6oth Rifles. CLINTON, Lord Charles Pelham PKIJIAM-, son of the 4th Duke of Newcastle; b. 1813; ed. at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; was Capt. ist Life Guards 1842-51, and M.P. for Sandwich (L.) 1852-7 ; is a J. P. for Co. Cork : ///. 1848 Elizabeth, only child of William Grant, Esq., of Congleton. CLINTON, Lord Edward William PELHAM-, son of the 5th Duke of Newcastle ; b. 1836 ; ed. at Eton ; became Lieiit. Rifle Brigade 1854, Capt. 1857, and Major 1872 ; was Capt. in the Sherwood Rangers Yeo. Cav. 1866-71 and M. P. for North Notts (L.) 1865-8: is a D.L. for Notts ; m. 1865 Matilda Jane, da. of Sir W. E. Cradock-Hartopp, 3rd Bart. 66, Warwick Square, S. W. ; Army and Navy and Brooks' s Clubs. CLINTON, Lord Thomas Charles PKLHAM-, son of the 4th Duke of Newcastle ; b. 1813 ; ed. at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; was in the ist Life Guards 1834-44 : m. 1845 Marianne, da. of F. Gritton, Esq. St. Stephens Club. CLIVE, Hon. Geo. Herbert WIND- SOR-, h.p. to the 2ist Baron Windsor. CLIVE, Lady Katharine Elizabeth Mary Julia, da. of the 7th Earl of Denbigh, G.C.H. ; b. 1842 : m. 1867 Meysey Clive, Esq., of Whilfield, Hereford; 17, SouthEatonPlace,S. W. CLIVE, Lady Mary Selina Louisa WINDSOR-, da. of the 2nd Earl of Bradford : m. 1852 the Hon. Robert Windsor-Clive (who d. 1859). Oakly Park, Bromfield, Salop. CLOWES, Hon. Adelaide, da. of the 3rd Baron Waterpark; was a Maid of Honor to H.M.: m. 1863, as his 2nd wife, S. W. Clowes, Esq., M.P. 5, Park Street, Mayfair ; Woodhouse Eaves, Loughboro' . CLOWES, Hon. Elizabeth Caroline, da. of the 3rd Baron Clanmorris : m. 1856 St. lohn Legh Clowes, Esq. Colgrave Place, Nottingham. COCHRANE, Hon. Arthur Auck- land Leopold Pedro, C.B., son of the loth Earl of Dundonald b. 1824 ; en- tered the R.N. 1840, became Lieut. 1845, Flag-Lieut. "Wellesley" 1848, Com. 1851, Capt. 1852, and Rear-Adnu 1870; has commanded the "Warrior" iron frigate, and the "Cumberland;" served in the Baltic, and on shore in China with the Naval Brigade at the capture of Canton 1857 ; has the Sy- rian and Baltic medals; granted a good service pension 1868; was Super- intendent of Sheerness Dockyard 1869-73, and Capt. of H.M.S. "Re- pulse," and Com.-in-Ch. of the Pacific 1873-75. United Service Club. COCHRANE, Hon. Ernest Grey Lambton, son of the loth Earl of Dundonald ; b. 1834 ; entered the R.N. 1847, became Lieut. 1854, and Com. 1860 ; was at the capture of Bomarsund, served on shore as A.D.C. to Brigadier-Gen. Jones in 1855, and was present at the bom- bardment of Sweaborg commanded a gun boat 1856, M.M.S. "Netley" 1858, H.M.S. "Sparrow" 1863, and H.M.S. "Petrel" 1868-70; served in Coast Guard 1864-7 : m - ( r )