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544 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE "pro literis et artibus," 1869; m. 1821 Mary Anne, da. of L. W. Boode, Esq., of Peover Hall, Cheshire, for- merly Lady in Waiting to H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent. Leasowe Castle, Birkenhead; Travellers Club. CUST, Lady Elizabeth Caroline, da. of the 5th Earl of Darnley : m. 1855 Reginald John Cust, Esq., one of the Commissioners of the West Indian Encumbered Estates Court. 13, Eccleston Square, S. W. CUST, Lady Emma Bess PUREY-, da. of the 5th Earl of Darnley : m. 1854 the Venerable Arthur Perceval Purey-Cust, M.A., Archdeacon of Buckingham and Vicar of Aylesbury. CUST, Lady Florence Harriet, da. of the 3rd Earl of Harewood : m. 1861 Lieut. -Col. John Francis Cust, late of the Grenadier Guards. OLJTHBERT, Hon. Jane Anne, da. of the 2nd Baron Graves : m. 1829 James William Cuthbert, Esq., a D.L. for Kent, formerly Capt. 2nd Life Guards, and Equerry to H.R.H. the late Duke of Cambridge. 14, Gros- venor Street, W.; Hampton Court Palace, Kingston-on- Thames. D'ALBANIE, Countess of. Lady Alice Mary Emily, da. of the xyth Earl of Erroll ; m. 1874 Col. the Count Edward Stuart D'Albanie. DALLAS, Hon. Frances Henrietta (Lady), da. of the ist Baron Ellen- borough : m. (i) 1832 Charles Des Voeux, Esq. (he d. 1833) ; (2) 1841 Sir Robert Charles Dallas, 2nd Bart. DALRYMPLE, Hon. Ellinor Alice. (See Hon. George G. DALRYMPLE.) DALRYMPLE, Hon. George Grey, son of the gth Earl of Stair, K.T. ; b. 1832 ; ed. at Rugby ; entered the Scots Fusilier Guards as Ensign and Lieut. 1849, retired 1854 : m. 1853 the Hon. Ellinor Alice Napier, da. of the 8th Baron Napier. Ellis ton, St. Bos-well's, N.B.; New Club, Edinburgh. DALRYMPLE, Hon. North de Coigny, son of the roth Earl of Stair, K.T. ; b. 1853 ; appointed Ensign and Lieut. Scots Fusilier Guards, 1871, and Lieut. 1874. DALRYMPLE-HAY. (See HAY.) DALY. Lady Anne Elizabeth, da. of the gth Earl of Westmeath ; b. 1839: m. 1864 John Archer Daly, Esq. Raford, Co. Galway. DALY, Hon. Bowes Richard, son of the ist Baron Dunsandle and Clanconal ; b. 1814 ; ed. at Oxford Univ. (B.A. 1837) ; is a J.P. and a D.L. for Tipperary, of which Co. he was High Sheriff 1864. Killough Castle, Holy Cross, Thurles ; Carlton and Kildare Street Clubs. DALY, Hon. Cecilia Maria (See Hon. Robert DALY.) DALY, Hon. Robert, son of the ist Baron Dunsandle and Clanconal ; b. 1818 ; ed. at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; en- tered the Army 1839, became Lieut. 2oth Foot 1841, and retired 1848 ; was successively A.D.C. to Earl de Grey, Baron Heytesbury, Earl of Bessborough, and Earl of Clarendon (Lords-Lieuts. of Ireland), and State Steward to Baron Heytesbury when Lord-Lieut. 1846 : m. 1845 the Hon. Cecilia Maria A' Court, only surviving da. of ist Baron Heytesbury, G.C. B. 83, Eaton Place ; Carlton Club. DALY, Hon. Skeffington James, h.p. to the 2nd Baron Dunsandle and Clanconal. DALZELL, Lady Edith Elizabeth. (See Adeane.) DALZELL, Hon. Robert Alexan- der George, C.B., h.p. to the i4th Earl of Carnwath. DAMER, Hon. Harriet Lydia DAWSON-, da. of the 6th Baron Rokeby : m. 1855 Capt. Lionel Sey- mour William Dawson-Damer, M.P. for Portarlington, and h.p. to the 3rd Earl of Portarlington. Came House, Dorchester ; 2, Chapel Street, Gros- vcnor Square, IV. DAMER, Hon. Mrs. Lionel Daw- son, da. of the late Capt. S. Hopkinson R.N. : m. 1856, as his 3rd wife, Hon. Lionel William Dawson-Damer (who d. 1859), son of the first Earl of Portarlington. DAMIANO. (See SAN DAMIANO.) DANBY, Lady Emily Rosa, sister of the 6th Earl of Lanesborough ; raised to the precedence of a younger da. of an Earl, 1866 : m. 1869, W. Vinicombe Davy, Esq.