Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/628

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556 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE Stirling Rifle Vol. : m. 1859 Eliza- beth Harriette, da. of the Rt. Hon. SirGeorge Clerke, yth Bart. Carnock, Larbert, Stirlingshire. ELPHINSTONE, Hon. George; James, brother of the I5th Baron Elphinstone ; b. 1841 ; educated at the Loretto School, Musselburgh ; served eight years in the R.N., and through the Baltic and China wars ; has Baltic and China medals, and bars for Pekin and the Taku forts; was raised to the rank of a Baron's son, 1861 ; m. 1868 Annie, 4th da. of the Rev. Dr. Macintyre, of Kill- monivaig, Inverness. Achuaran, Lis- mon, Appin, N.B. ELPHINSTONE, Hon. Sidney Her- bert, h.a. to the I5th Baron Elphin- stone. ERSKINE, Hon. Albany Mar Stuart, son of the i3th Earl of Buchan ; b. 1852 ; ed. at Harrow ; appointed Sub-Lieut. Renfrew Militia 1875- ERSKINE, Hon. Augustus Wil- liam, son of the i3th Earl of Mar and i2th Earl of Kellie : b. 1841 ; late in the iyth Lancers; is a J.P. for Cumberland : m. 1871 Harriet Susannah, da. of William Forbes, Esq., of Medwyn, Peeblesshire. Bowscar, Penrith ; Naval and Mili- tary Club. ERSKINE, Hon. David, son of the and Baron Erskine ; ed. at Harrow and at Munich ; entered the Army 1835, became Major 5ist Foot 1855, exchanged to the 2ist Foot 1857, and retired 1858 ; served in India, Austra- lia, and the Mediterranean ; was four years Stipendiary Magistrate in Tas- mania, and has been Colonial Sec. at Natal, and a Member of the Executive and Legislative Councils of that Col- ony since 1858; is Lt.-Col. Comdnt. of the Natal Carbineers: m. (i) 1839 Annie Maria, el. da. of Josiah Spode, Esq. (she d. 1860) ; (2) 1870 Florence, da. of Capt. Charles Harford, formerly of the i2th Lancers. P ictermaritz- burg, Natal. ERSKINE, Hon. Edward Morris, son of the 2nd Baron Erskine ; b. 1817 ; ed. abroad ; appointed Attache' at Munich 1835, at Florence 1837, Paid Attache'at Brussels 1844, accompanied the 2nd Earl of Minto on his Special Mission to Italy 1847-8*; was Sec. of Legation at Turin 1852-8 (Charge d'Affaires at Florence for a few months in 1853, and at Turin in 1855) ; transferred to Washington 1858, and to Stockholm the same year (was Charged' Affaires i85Q-6o) ; appointed to St. Petersburg 1860 (June to Oct. Charge d 1 Affaires), and to Constanti- nople, as Sec. of Embassy, the same year (acting as Charge d'Affaires Sept. 1862 to Jan. 1863, and Oct. 1863 to March 1864) ; was Envoy Extraor. and Min. Plen. at Athens 1864-72, when he was appointed Envoy Extraor. at Stockholm : m. 1847 Caroline, widow of Andrew Loughnan, Esq. Stock holm. ERSKINE, Hon. James Augustus, brother of the loth Earl of Mar and nth Earl of Kellie ; b. 1812; ed. at Durham and at the Univ. of Edin- burgh ; raised to the rank of an Earl's son 1866 ; was formerly a Capt. in the service of the late Queen of Spain, and is a Knight of the Order of St. Ferdinand of Spain ; entered the Commissariat Department 1837, be- came Assist. -Com. -Gen. 1850, retired 1868 : m. (i) 1837 Fanny (who d. 1851), da. of General Henry Ivatt Delacombe ; (2) 1852 Elizabeth Bogue, da. of the late George Broclie, Esq., Historiographer Royal for Scotland. Southsea. Raleigh Club (London) ; Royal Albert Yacht Club. ERSKINE, Hon. James Stuart, son of the 2nd Baron Erskine ; b. 1822 ; in. 1853 Wilhelmine, Countess Ler- chenfeld. Bring, Bavaria. ERSKINE, Hon. John Cadwalla- der, //./. to the 3rd Baron Erskine. ERSKINE, Hon. Mrs. Thomas. Charlotte, da. of the late Maj.Watson: m. 1817 Hon. and Rev. Thomas Ers- kine (who d. 1859), son of the i3th Earl of Mar. ERSKINE, Lady Horatia Eliza- beth, da. of the 5th Marquess of Hertford : m. 1861 Henry David Erskine, Esq., Groom of the Robes to H.M., and Dep. Sergeant-at-Arms to the House of Commons. Cardruss, near Stirling, N.B. ESCOTT, Hon. Lucy Horatia, sister