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558 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF TilF. FARRELL, Hon. Lucretia Paulina Mary, 2nd da. of the i3th Vis- count Gormonston : m. 1860 John Arthur Farrell, Esq., a D.L. and J.P. for Co. Meath. Moynalty, Meath. FARRER, Hon. Eliza Maria, da. of the ist Baron Cottesloe : m. 1854 H. R. Farrer, Esq. Green Hammer- ton, Yorkshire. FAZAKERLEY, Hon. Georgiana Caroline, da. of the 3rd Baron Lilford : m. 1859 John Nicholas Fazaker- ley, Esq. Burwood House, Cobhtm. FEILDEN, Hon. Jane Elizabeth, da. of the i2th Baron Sinclair : m. 1853 the Rev. William Leyland Feilden, Vicar of Knowsley, Prescot. FEILDING, Hon. and Rev. Charles Wm. Alexander, son of the yth Earl of Denbigh; b. 1833; ed. at Trin. Coll., Camb. (M.A. 1856): m. 1866 Lucy, who d. 1875, 5th da. of the late John Grant, Esq., of Kilgraston, Perth, and of Lady Lucy Grant ; has been since 1863 Rector of Stapleton, Salop. FEILDING, Hon. Percy Robert Basil, C.B., son of the 7 th Earl of Denbigh ; b. 1827 ; ed. at Rugby ; entered the 85th Regt. 1845, became Lieut. 1846, Capt. and Lieut. -Col. Coldstream Guards 1855, and Col. 1865 ; served in the Crimea as Brig.- Major to the Guards at the Alma (was mentioned in despatches), and on the Staff of the ist. Div. at Balaklava and Inkerman, and at the siege of Sebastopol ; was wounded at Inker- man; has the Crimean medal and four clasps, the Turkish War medal, and is . a Knight of the Legion of Honor and of the Medjidie ; was Assist. Quar- termaster-Gen, in Ireland 1859-62 ; is a J.P. for Wilts ; created a C.B. 1869 : m. 1862 Lady Louisa Harriet Isabella Thynne, da. of the 3rd Mar- quess of Bath. Sturford Mead, War- minster; 39, Prince ' s Gate, S. W. ; Guards', Travellers', Turf, and Marlborough Clubs. FEILDING, Hon. William Henry Adelbert, son of the yth Earl of Den- bigh ; b. 1836 ; was a Page of Honor to the late Queen Dowager ; entered the 62nd Regt. 1852, became Lieut. 1853, Lieut, and Capt. Coldstream Guards 1854, Capt. and Lieut. -Col. 1860, and a Col. 1869 ; appointed Major 1875 ; was Assist. Adj. -Gen. Dublin Div. 1864-9, an ^ Military Commr. with the French Army of the Loire during the Franco- Prussian War, 1870-71. 23, Brook Street, W., Newnham Paddox, Lutterworth ; Guards' and Garrick Clubs. FEILDING, Hon. Mrs. Everard ; da. of Sir John Boughey, Bart. : m. 1832 Hon. and Rev. Everard Robert Bruce Feilding (who d. 1854), bro. of the 7th Earl of Denbigh. FEILDING, Lady Louisa Harriet Isabella. (See Hon. Psrcy R. B. FEILDING.) FELLOWES, Hon. Mary Julia, da. of the 4th Baron Sondes : m. 1845 Edward Fellowes, Esq., M.P. for Huntingdonshire. Haverland Hall, Norwich ; Ramsay Abbey, Hunts ; 3, Belgrave Square, S. W. FERGUSON, Hon. Nina Maria, da. of the ist Viscount Bridport ; m, 1861 Lieut.-Col. George Arthur Fer- guson, late of the Grenadier Guards, son of Adm. Ferguson, of Pitfour, N.B. FERRAND, Hon. Fanny Mary, da. of the nth Baron Blantyre : m. 1847, as his 2nd wife, William Busfield Fer- rand, Esq., late M.P. for Devonport. St. Ives, Bii/gley, Yorkshire. FETHERSTONHAUGH,Hon. Maria Georgiana, da. of the 3rd Baron Dor- chester : m. 1865 Timothy Fetherston- haugh, Esq., late of the 131!! Hussars, . a D.L. and J.P. for Cumberland, and High Sheriff for that Co. 1870. The College, Kirkoswald ', Cumberland. FETHERSTONHAUGH, Hon. Susan Maria, da. of the 3rd Baron Massey : m. 1826 John Fetherstonhaugh, Esq., Guffinstoivn House, Westmeath. FFEiLDEN,Hon. Frances Blanche Anne, da. of the 4th Baron Calthorpe: m. 1861 the Rev. John R. Ffeilden, who has been since 1861 Rector of Baconsthorpe, near Holt. FFRENCH, Hon. Martin, son of the 2nd Baron Ffrench ; b. 1793 ; ed. at Stonyhurst and at Trin. Coll., Dublin ; has been Stipendiary Magis- trate at Summerhill, Co. Meath, sines