Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/632

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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE FITZ-GERALD, Lord Gerald, son of the 3rd Duke of Leinster, P.C. ; b. 1821 ; entered the Scots Fusilier Guards 1839, became Lieut, and Capt. 1846, has since retired ; was Lieut. - Col. Queen's Westminster Rifle Vol. 1861-71 : m. 1862 Anne Agnes, da. of James Barker, Esq. 47, Sloane Street, S. W. FITZGERALD, Hon. Dorcas Lou- isa Harriet : m. 1869 Percy Fitzgerald, Esq , barrister-at-law, son of the late Thomas Fitzgerald, Esq., late M.P. for Co. Louth. Fane Valley, Co. Louth. FITZGERALD, Hon. Jane Matilda Mary, sister of the 4th Viscount Southwell : m. 1860 the Rt. Hon. John David Fitzgerald, LL.D., a Judge of the Queen's Bench in Ire- land, and formerly M.P. for Ennis, , and Attorney-Gen. Kilmarnock, Co. Dublin; 7, M err ion Square, Dublin. FITZ-GERALD, Lord Maurice,. son of the 4th Duke of Leinster; b. 1852 ; served some time in the Royal Navy ; appointed Sub-Lieut. Kildare Militia 1875- FITZ-GERALD, Right Hon. Lord Otho Augustus, P.C., son of the 3rd Duke of Leinster, P.C. ; b. 1827; entered the Royal Horse Guards Blue 1845, and retired as Lieut. 1854 ; has been Capt. of the London Irish Rifle Vol. since 1860, is also Capt. Lanca- shire Hussars, and a Lieut, in the Royal Naval Reserve ; sat as M. P. for Kildare (L.) 1865-74, when he was an unsuccessful candidate ; was A.D.C., Master of the Horse, and Gentleman- in-Waiting to the Lords-Lieut, of Ireland (the Earls of Eglinton and Carlisle) 1855-62; Treasurer of H.M. Household 1866 ; and Comptroller of H.M. Household 1868-74: m. 1861 Ursula Lucy Grace, Baroness Londes- borough, da. of Rear-Adm. the Hon. Charles Orlando Bridgeman. Oakley Park, Windsor ; 8, Carl ton House Terrace, S. W. ; Whites and Army and Navy Clubs. FITZGIBBON, Hon. Gerald Nor- manby, son of the i3th Viscount Dil- lon ; b. 1823 ; has been a Clerk to the Board of Control, and Assist. Sec. in the India Office, Capt. Oxfordshire Militia, and Cornet Queen's Own Ox- fordshire Yeo. Cav. ; assumed in 1873 the name of Fitzgibbon: m. 1847 Lady Louisa Isabella Georgina Fitzgibbon, 2nd da. of the 3rd Earl of Clare (title extinct). Ryde, Isle of Wight; Mount Shannon, Co. Limerick ; Union Club. FITZGIBBON, Lady Elinor Sophia Diana, da. of the 3rd Earl of Clare (title extinct) : m. 1856 Col. Francis William Henry Cavendish, Lieut. - Col. of the 2nd Dragoon Guards, from whom she was divorced 1866 ; has since resumed her patronymic. FITZGIBBON, Lady Louisa Isabella Georgiana. (See Hon. Gerald F. N. FITZGIBBON.) FITZ-MAURICE, Hon. Alexander Temple, son of the 5th Earl of Ork- ney ; b. 1834 ; entered the Army as Lieut. 72nd Highlanders 1853, be- came Lieut. 1854, Capt. 1860, retired 1861 ; served in the Crimea, including the expedition to Kertch, siege of Sebastopol, &c. ; has the Crimean medal and clasp ; served also during the Indian Mutiny, and has a medal ; appointed Cornet in the Taplow Corps of Yeo. Cav. 1867 ; appointed Groom of the Bed-chamber to the Prince of Wales, 18 : m. 1873 Mrs - Riddell, of The Grange, Northumberland. Howick Place, Victoria Street, S. '. FITZ-MAURICE, Lord Edmund George, M. P. , son of the 4th Marquess of Lansdowne ; b. 1846 ; ed. at Eton and at Trin. Coll., Camb. (B.A., and ist class Classics 1868) ; has sat as M. P. for Calnesince Nov. , 1868 ; called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn 1871. 14, Arlington Street, S. W. ; Mekleour House, Perthshire ; University Club. FITZ-MAURICE, Hon.Mrs. Henry. Sarah Jane, da. of George Bradley Roose, Esq., of Bryntirion, Anglesey : m. 1861 the Hon. Henry Warrender Fitz-Maurice (who d. 1875), son of the ist Earl of Orkney. Tregof, Anglesey. FITZ-MAURICE, Hon. James Ter- ence, son of the 5th Earl of Orkney ; b. 1835; became Lieut. R.N. 1856; was sometime Com. of H.M. S. "Sea- lark " ; became Staff Com. R.N. 1867 ; appointed Inspector of Prisons in Ceylon the same year : m. 186 1