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YOUNGER SONS AND MARRIED DAUGHTERS OF PEERS. 571 the ist Marquess of Bristol ; andly, 1874, Helen Mary, da. of the late John Eden Spalding, Esq., of the Holme, Kircudbrightshire : has been since 1847 Rector of Houghton-le- Spring, Durham. GREY, Hon. Mrs. William, da. of Count Stedingk : m. ist, 1858, Hon. William George Grey (who d. 1865), son of the 2nd Earl Grey ; 2nd, 1873, the Count d'Otrante ; appointed Bedchamber-woman to H.R.H. the Princess of Wales 1863. flagCourt, St. James's Palace, S. W. GREY, Lady Elizabeth Anne Georgiana Dorothea*. (See Hon. and Rev. Richard Francis GREY. GRIFFITHS, Hon. Emily Wingfield, da. of the i3th Baron Save and Sele : m. ist 1849 Thomas Guy Gisborne, Esq., a J.P. for Derbyshire and Staf- fordshire, whod. 1869; 2nd 1872 John H. Griffiths, Esq. Yoxall Lodge, Bur- ton-on-Trent ; The Weir, Hereford. GRIMSTON, Hon. and Rev. Edward Harbottle, son of the ist Earl of Verulam ; b. 1812 ; ed. -at Harrow and at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1831, M.A. and Fellow of All Souls' 1838) ; sat as M.P. for St. Alban's 1835-41 ; has been Rector of Pebmarsh, Essex, since 1841, and of Great Henney, Essex, since 1845 ; is a J.P. for Hertfordshire : m. 1842 Frances Horatio, el. da. of John Philip Morier, Esq. Gorhamoury, St. Alban's, Herts ; 14, Great Stan- hope Street, W. ; Carlton Club. GRIMSTON, Hon. Robert, son of the ist Earl of Verulam ; b. 1816 ; ed. at Harrow and at Ch. Ch., Oxford. 24, Mount Street, W. GRIMSTON, Hon. William, son of the 2nd Earl of Verulam ; b. 1855 ; passed as a Naval Cadet, Aug., 1870, and appointed, 1871, a Midshipman in H.M.S. "Sultan." GRIMSTONE, Hon. Mrs. Francis, 4th da. of the late John Philip Morier, Ksq. : ;//. 1847 the Hon. and Rev. Francis S.Grimstorie, who </. 1865. GROSVENOR, Hon. Algernon Henry, son of the ist Baron Ebury, P.C. ; b. 1846 ; appointed Ensign Rifle Brigade 1866, and Lieut. 1870. 35, Park Street, W. ; Naval and Military Club. GROSVENOR, Hon. Beatrice Char- lotte Elizabeth. (See Rt. Hon. Lord Richard de A. GROSVENOR.) GROSVENOR, Hon. Emelie Beau- jolais. (See Baron EBURY.) GROSVENOR, Hon. Norman-de- I'Aigle, M.P., 3rd son of the ist Baron Ebury, P.C. ; b. 1845 ; entered the Grenadier Guards as Ensign and Lieut. 1863, became Lieut and Capt. 1867, retired 1870; has sat as M.P. for Chester (L.) since 1869. 35, Park Street, Grosvenor Square, IV.; Moor" Park, Rickmansworth; Guards' Club. GROSVENOR, Hon. Richard Cecil, 5th son of the ist Baron Ebury, P.C. ; b. 1848 ; ed. at Balliol Coll., Oxford p called to the bar at the Inner Temple 1872. 2, Harcourt Buildings, Temple. GROSVENOR, Right Hon. Lord Richard de Aquila, P.C.. M.P., brother of the ist Duke of Westmin- ster, K.G. ; b. 1837; ed. at Westmin- ster and at Trin. Coll., Camb. (M.A. 1858) ; was Vice-Chamberlain of H.M. Household, 1872-74 ; has been M.P. for Flintshire (L.) since 1861 ; is Col. Com. Queen's DorsetYeo. Cav., and a J.P- for Dorset and Flintshire : m. 1874 the Hon. Beatrice Charlotte Eli- zabeth Vesey, da. of the 3rd Viscount de Vesci. Stalbridge, Dorsetshire ; 76, Brook Street, V. ; Brooks s and Whites Clubs. GROSVENOR, Hon. Robert Wel- lesley, h.a. to the ist Baron Ebury. GROSVENOR, Hon. Thomas George, son of the ist Baron Ebury, P.C. ; b. 1842 ; nominated Attache' 1861, appointed to Berlin the same year, transferred to Washington 1864 ; promoted to be a 3rd Sec. in Diplo. Ser. 1865, transferred to Madrid 1866, to Berne the same year, and to Vienna 1867, and became a 2nd Sec. in Diplo. Ser. 1871. TheBritishEnibassy, Vienna, GUEST, Lady Cornelia Henrietta Maria, da. of the 6th Duke of Marl- borough, K.G. ; b. 1847 : m. 1868 Sir Ivor Bertie Guest, 2nd Bart. Dowlais House, Merthyr Tydvil ; Sully House, Cardiff ; Canford Ma- nor, Dorsetshire; Hamilton House, Arlington Street, W.