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576 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE which vessel he commanded in 1864 ; also commanded 1865 the "Sharp- shooter ' ' on the S. E. Coast of America, and in 1867 the tender to the "St. George;" has four medals and three clasps. Kingston House, Knights- bridge ; Naval and Military Club. HARMAN, Hon. Mrs. Lawrence Harman KING-. Mary Cecilia, da. of James Raymond Johnstone, Esq., of Alva, N.B. : m. 1837, the Hon. Law- rence King-Harman, (he assumed the additional surname of Harman on inheriting the estates of his maternal grandmother, the Countess of Rosse, in 1838) who d. 1875. Rockingham, Co. Roscommon ; Newcastle, Bally- mahon, Co. Longford. HARRIS, Hon. Arthur Ernest, son of the 2nd Baron Harris; b. 1835; ed. at the Royal Mil. Coll., Sandhurst; entered the 43rd Light Infantry 1854, became Lieut. 1855, and Capt. 1861 ; served in the New Zealand War 1864-5, and was present at Maketu and Te Ranga, and in other Engage- ments ; served in the Indian Mutiny 1857-8, and was present at the capture ofKirwee; is aJ.P. for Co. West- meath : m. 1871, Jane Butler, da. of the Rev. R. Butler Bryan. Benown, Athlone. HARRIS, Hon. Sir Edward Alfred John, h.p. to the 3rd Earl of Malmes- bury HARRIS-TEMPLE. (See TEMPLE.) HARVEY, Lady Elizabeth, da. of the i2th Earl" of Buchan : m. 1855 Henry Lee Harvey, Esq., son of the late Lieut. -Col. |. O. Lee Harvey, of Castle Semple, Renfrewshire, N.B. HASKOLL, Lady Anne Caroline, only sister of the i5th Earl of Mar and i2th Earl of Kellie ; raised to the rank of an Earl's da. 1866: m. 1856 the Rev. Joseph Haskoll, M.A., Rector of East Barkwith, Wragby (who d. 1871). East Retford, Notts. HASTINGS, Hon. George Fowler, C B son of the nth Earl of Hunting- don ; b. 1814; entered the Navy 1824 became Lieut. 1833, Com. 1838, Post -Captain 1845, Rear-Admiral 1863, and Vice-Adm. 1869; com- manded H.M.S. " Harlequin" m the China war 1841-5, and the " Curacoa at Sebastopol 1855 ; was sometime Capt. of the Naval Hospital and RoyalClearance Victualling Yard, Gos- port ; is a Knight of the Medjidie ; wasCom.-in-Ch. on the Pacific Station 1866-70 ; and appointed to chief com- mand at the Nore 1873-76 : m. 1864 Mathilde Alice, only da. of W. H. Degneher, Esq., of St. Omer, France. United Service and Union Clubs. HASTINGS, Hon. Paulyn Francis Cuthbert ABNEY-, son of the Countess of Loudoun : b. 1856 ; h.p. to the nth Earl of Loudoun. HASTINGS, Hon. Mrs. Edward, el. da. of George James Morris, Esq. : m. 1840 Hon. Edward Plantagenet Robin Hood Hastings (who d. 1857), 3rd son of the nth Earl of Hunting- don. HATTON, Lady Louisa FINCH-, da. of Louisa, Countess of Mansfield (in her own right), and of the Hon. Robert Fulke Greville: m. 1825 the Hon. and Rev. Daniel Heneage Finch-Hatton (who d. 1866), Chap, to H.M. and Rector of Great Weldon. Torquay, Devon. HATTON, Hon. Murray Edward Gordon FINCH-, son of the loth Earl of Winchilsea ; b. 1851 ; ed. at Eton and at Balliol Coll., Oxford (B.A. ist class in Modern History 1874), and a fellowof Hertford Coll. , Oxford ; is a J.P. for Lincolnshire (Kesteven Division) ; Patron of Evedon and Ewerby Livings, Lincolnshire : m. 1875 EHith, only da. of Edward and Lady Susan Harcourt, of Nune- ham Park, Oxfordshire. Haverholme Priory, Sleaford. HAVELOCK, Lady Alice, da. of the 2nd Earl of Ducie : m. 1865 Sir Henry Havelock, ist Bart. The Castle, Dublin. HAWKE, Hon. Martin Bladen, h.a. to the 6th Baron Hawke. HAWKEY, Hon. Christabella Rosetta, da. of the 3rd Baron Ventry : m. 1844 Lieut. Charles Hawkey, R.N. HAWKINS - WHITSHED. (See WHITSHED.) HAWORTH, Lady Mary Elizabeth, h.p. to the Countess of Rothes.