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YOUNGER SONS AND MARRIED DAUGHTERS OF PEERS. 579 Major 84th Foot 1867, Lt.-Col. 4th West Indian Regt. 1868, andCol. 1874; served with the 64th Regt. in the Crimea, and was present at the siege and fall of Sebastopol ; has the Crimean medal and clasp, and Turkish war medal ; is Assist. -Adj. - Gen. and Quarter-Master Gen. at Colchester : m. 1871 Sybella Augusta, da. of Mark William Vane Milbank, Esq. Carlton Club. HERBERT, Hon. Sidney, h.p. to the i3th Earl of Pembroke. HERBERT, Lady Florence Ama- bel. (See Hon. Auberon E. W. M. HERBERT.) HERBERT, Lady Jane Frances Anna, da. of the 3rd Earl of Bantry : m. 1876, Edward Maxwell K. Her- bert, Esq. HERBERT, Lady Mary. (See Earl of Powis.) HERVEY, Lady Alfred. Sophia Elizabeth, el. da. Lieut.-Gen. John Chester : m. 1845 Lord Alfred Hervey (who d. 1875) 6th son of the ist Mar- quess of Bristol. 12, Lowndes Street, S.W. HERVEY, Lady Augustus. Mari- ana, da. of W. P. Hodnett, Esq. , and widow of Ashton Benyon, Esq., of Stetchworth Park : m. 1861 Lord Augustus Henry Charles Hervey, M.P. who d. 1875 son of the 3rd Marquess of Bristol. Clare House, Tonbrid%e. HERVEY, Rt. Rev. Lord Arthur Charles, D.D. (See Lord Bishop of BATH AND WELLS.) HERVEY, Rev. Lord Charles Ame- lius, D.D.. son of the ist Marquess of Bristol ; b. 1814 ; ed. at Eton and at Trin. Coll., Camb. (M.A. Camb.i836, D.D. RacineColl., Wisconsin, U.S. A.); is Rural Dean of Saffron Walden and a Surrogate : m. 1839 Lady Harriet Charlotte Sophia Ryder, da. of the ist Earl of Harrowby ; has been since 1839 Rector of Little Cficsterford, and Vicar of Great Ckestcrford, Essex. HERVEY, Lord Francis, M.P., son of the 2nd Marquess of Bristol; /;.i846; ed. at Eton and at Balliol Col., Oxford (B.A., 2nd Class in Classics 1869 ; M.A., 1874); is a Fellow of Hertford Coll. , Oxford, 1874 ; has sat as M.P. for Bury St. Edmunds since Feb. 1874. 20, Duke Street, W. HERVEY, Lord John William Nicholas, son of the 2nd Marquess of Bristol ; b. 1841 ; ed. at Eton and at Trin. Coll., Camb. (B.A. 3rd Class in Classics 1864) ; is a Capt. in West Suffolk Militia, and aJ.P. for Suffolk ; Unsuccessfully contested Mid Kent 1868, and Bath 1874. 6, St. James's Square, S. IV.; New University and Devonshire Clubs. HERVEY, Lady Harriet Charlotte Sophia. (See Rev. Lord Charles A. HERVEY.) HEWITT, Hon. Archibald Robert, son of the 4th Viscount Lifford ; b. 1844 ; became Lieut. R.N. 1866, and Com. 1875 ; appointed to H.M.S. "Helicon" 1870 ; was sometime Flag- Lt. to the Adm.Com.-in-Ch. at Ports- mouth. Naval and Military Club. HEWITT, Hon. James Wilfred, h.a. to the 4th Viscount Lifford. HEWITT, Hon. and Rev. John Pratt, son of the 2nd Viscount Lifford ; b. 1796 ; ed. at Ch. Ch. , Oxford ; was sometime Rector of Desertlyn, Diocese Armagh: m. (i) 1819 Juliana (who d. 1827), da. of Alexander Hamilton, Esq. ; (2) 1829 Elizabeth, da. of Rev. Francis Gervais. Ivy Lodge, Malvern. HiGGlNS, Hon. Augusta, da. of the ist Baron Chelmsford : m. 1843 William Frederick Higgins, Esq., Master of the Court of Bankruptcy, and el. son of the late Sir Samue' Higgins. 3, Chester Place, S. W. HIGGINSON, Hon. Florence, da. of the ist Baron Castletown : m. 1858 Col. George Wentworth Alexander Higginson, C.B., of the Grenadier Guards. The Crofts, Great Marlow Bucks ; 9, Wilton Crescent, S. W. HIGGINSON, Lady Frances Eliza- beth, da. of the ist Earl of Kilmorey : m. 1825 Gen. George Powell Higgin- son, Grenadier Guards, late Col. 94th Foot, who d. 1866. 9, Wilton Cres- cent, S.W. HILDYARD, Lady Jane, sister of the 4th Marquess Townshend : m. i824johnHildyard Esq., who d. 1855. Hampton Court Palace, S. W. HILL, Hon. Lady. Anna Maria, sister of the 2nd Baron Teignmouth ; PP 2