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592 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE (1)1831 the Hon. Augusta Champagne Graves (who d. 1844), da. of the 2nd Baron Graves ; (2) 1846 Matilda, 2nd da. of Sir Henry C. Montgomery, ist Bart. Hampton Court Palace, S. W. LAWLESS, Hon. Denis, son of the 4th Baron Cloncurry ; b. 1854 ; ap- pointed Lieut. 97th Foot, 1875. LAWLESS, Hon. Edward, h.p. of the 4th Baron Cloncurry. LAWLESS, Hon. Mrs. Cecil Francis Georgiana, da. of the late Morris Townsend, Esq. : m. (i) John Wil- liam Digby, Esq. ; (2) 1848 Hon. Cecil John Lawless (who d. 1853) youngest son of the 2nd Baron Clon- curry ; (3) 1856 Andrew Browne, Esq., of Mount Hazel. LAWLEY, Hon. Beilby, h.a. to the 2nd Baron Wenlock. LAWLEY, Hon. Francis Charles, son of the ist Baron Wenlock ; b. 1825 ; ed. at Rugby and at Balliol Coll., Oxford (B.A., 2nd Class in Classics 1848), and subsequently Fel- low of All Souls' ; was Private Sec. to the Chancellor of the Exchequer (Mr. Gladstone) 1852-4, and M.P. for Beverley 1852-3. LAWLEY, Hon. Robert Neville, son of the ist Baron Wenlock ; b. 1819 ; ed. at Eton ; entered the 2nd Life Guards 1839, and became Capt. 1848, retired 1853 ; formerly, Capt. Yorkshire Hussars : m. 1852' Georgi- ana, da. of Gen. Lord Edward Somerset. LAWLEY, Hon. and Rev. Stephen WiHoughby, son of the ist Baron Wenlock; b. 1823; ed. at Rugby and at Balliol Coll., Oxford (B.A. 2nd Class in Classics 1845, M.A. l8 53) was Rector of Escrick, York- shire, 1848-68, and Sub-Dean of York 1852-62. Penzance. LAWLEY, Lady Mary Constance. (See Baron WENLOCK.) LAWRENCE, Hon. John Hamilton, h.a. to the ist Baron Lawrence. LEE, Hon. Mary Sophia, da. of the 2nd Baron Bridport : m. 1834 John Lee Lee, Esq., of Orleigh Court, Bideford, and Dillington House, II- minster. LEEKE, Lady Hester Urania, da. of the 4th Earl of Portsmouth : m. 1847 Ralph Merrick Leeke, Esq., a J.P. and D.L. for Salop. Longford Hall, Newport, Shropshire. LEESON, Hon. Henry, h.p. to the 6th Earl of Milltown. LEFEVRE, Hon. Constance Emily, da. of the 3rd Earl of Ducie : ^.1874 George Shaw Lefevre, Esq., M.P., son of Sir John G. Shaw Lefevre, K.C.B. Ascot Wood,; 18, Spring Gardens, S. W. LEGARD, Hon. Frances (Lady), da. of the ist Baron Feversham : m. 1832 Sir Thomas Digby Legard, 8th Bart., who d. 1860. Ganton Hall, York. LEGGE, Hon. Arthur Charles, son of the 3rd Earl of Dartmouth ; b. 1800 ; ed. at Eton ; entered the Army 1816, became Lieut. 1817, Capt. 1822, Lieut. -Colonel 1851, Colonel 1854, Major-Gen. 18 , and Lieut. -General 1874 ; is Hon. Colonel 3rd Battalion Staffordshire Rifles, a D.L. of Kent, and a J. P. for that Co. and Salop : m. (i) 1827 Lady Anne Frederick Cathe- rine Holroyd (whoa'. 1829), da. of the ist Earl of Sheffield ; (2) 1837 Caro- line, da. of James Charles Philip Bouwens, Esq. Cavttton, Shiffnall. LEGGE, Hon. and Rev. Augustus, son of the 4th Earl of Dartmouth ; b. 1839; ed. at Eton and at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 2nd Class in Law and History 1861, and M.A. 1864) ; entered HolyOrders 1864, was Curateof Hands- worth 1864-6, and of St. Mary's, Mary- lebone, 1866-7, and Morning Reader in Brunswick Chapel 1866-7, since when he has been Vicar of St. Bar- tholomew's ; elected a member of the London School Board (Greenwich Division), 1873. Sydenham, S.E. LEGGE, Hon. Charles Counter, son of the 4th Earl of Dartmouth ; b. 1842; ed. at Harrow; entered the Rifle Brigade 1860 ; became Lieut. 1864 ; is Adj. of the 34th W. Riding Yorkshire Rifle Vol. : m. 1868 Mary, da. of the late Dean of Lincoln and Lady Caroline Gamier. LEGGE, Hon. Edward Henry, son of the 4th Earl of Dartmouth ; b. 1834 ; ed. at Eton and at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1855, M.A. 1861) ; entered the