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YOUNGER SONS AND MARRIED DAUGHTERS OF PEERS. 595 LESLIE, Hon. Mrs. George, only da. of W. J. Van Der Graaf, Esq. : m. 1802 Hon. George Leslie (who d. 1812), son of the 6th Earl of Leven and Melville. LESLIE, Hon. Mrs. Thomas, only da. of Major Thomas Burrows : m. 1834 Hon. Thomas Jenkins Leslie (who d. 1849), son of the late Coun- tess of Rothes. LESLIE, Lady Mary Elizabeth, h.p. to the Countess of Rothes. LESLIE-MELVILLE. (See MEL- VILLE.) L'ESTRANGE, Lady Henrietta Susan Beresford, sister of the gth Earl of Scarbrough : m. 1835 Ed- mund L' Estrange, Esq., who d. 1866. LEVETT, Lady Jane Lissey Har- riett, da. of the yth Earl of Denbigh, G.C.H. : m. 1856 Theophilus John Levett, Esq., late ist Life Guards. Wychnor Park, Burton-on- Trent. LEWIS, Hon. Jane Matilda, only da. of the ist Baron Methuen : m. 1849 David Lewis, Esq. LIDDELL, Hon. Adolphus Frederic Octavius, Q.C., son of the ist Baron Ravensworth ; b. 1818 ; ed. at Eton and at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A., 3rd Class Classics 1838, M.A. 1848) ; was Fellow of All Souls' ; called to the Bar at the Inner Temple 1844 ; be- came a Q.C. 1861 ; appointed per- manent Under-Sec, of State for the Home Department 1867 ; is a D.L. for Co. Durham : m. 1845 Frederica Elizabeth (who d. 1867), da. of George Lane-Fox, Esq. 49, Riitland Gate, S. W. LIDDELL, Hon. Atholl Charles John, son of the ist Earl of Ravens- worth ; b. 1833 ; was Capt. 6oth Foot; is a D.L. of Durham and a J.P. of Northumberland ; m. 1866 Caroline, da. of the Hon. George Edgcumbe. The Grange, Vhittingham, Alnwick. LIDDELL, Hon. Caroline Eliza- beth, el. da. of the sth Viscount Bar- rington : m. 1843 the Hon. Thomas Liddell, who d. 1856, brother of the ist Earl Ravensworth. 3, Granmlle Place, Port-man Square, W. LIDDELL, Hon. George, son of the ist Baron Ravensworth ; b. 1806 ; m. 1842 Louise, who d. 1873, da. of the late Gen. the Hon. Robert Meade. Somerville, St. John's, Ryde. LIDDELL, Hon. George Augus- tus Frederick, son of the ist Baron Ravensworth ; b. 1812; ed. at Eton ; entered the Scots Fusilier Guards 1828, became Capt. and Lieut. -Col. 1846, and Col. 1854 ; has been Groom-in-Waiting to H.M. since 1858 ; appointed Dep. -Ranger of Windsor Great Park 1871, when he resigned the Dep.-Rangership of Richmond Park, and also the posi- tion of Treasurer to H. R. H. the Duke of Edinburgh ; formerly Equerry and Comptroller to the late Duchess of Gloucester ; was in attendance upon the Sultan's son, Youssouf Izzedin Effendi, 1867: m. 1842 Cecil Elizabeth, da. of the Hon. and Rev. Gerald Valerian Wellesley, D.D., Preb. of Durham. Holly Grove, Great Park, Windsor; Utiited Service Club. LIDDELL, Hon. and Rev. Robert, son of the ist Baron Ravensworth ; b. 1808 ; ed. at the Charterhouse and at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 1829, M.A. 1834) ; was sometime Fellow of All Souls', Curate of Hartlepool 1833, In- cumbent of St. Giles', Durham, 1835, and Vicar of Barking, Essex, 1836-51, since when he has been Vicar of St. Paul's, Knightsbridge ; is Hon. M.A. of Durham : m. 1836 Emily Anne Charlotte, da. of the Hon. and Rev. Gerald Valerian Wellesley, D.D., Preb. of Durham. St. Paul's Vicar- age, Wilton Place, S. W. LINDSAY, Hon. Charles Hugh, son of the 24th Earl of Craw- ford ; b. 1816 ; appointed Ensign 43rd Light Infantry 1835 ; served in Canada 1837-43 ; was A.D.C. to Earl de Grey, 1843, and Master of the Horse to Baron Heytesbury 1845, when Lords-Lieut, of Ireland ; served as Lieut.-Col. in the Grenadier Guards 1846-56 ; was present at the battles of Balaklava, Inkerman, and at the siege of Sebastopol ; has the Crimean medal and three clasps, and the Turkish War medal ; was ist A.D.C. to Lieut. - Gen. Sir Edward Blakeney when Com. -in-Chief of the Forces in Ire- land 1848-54, Chamberlain and after- wards Private Sec. to the Earl of QQ 2