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602 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE MEADE, Hon. and Rev. Sidney, son of the 3rd Earl of Clanwilliam ; b. 1839 ; ed. at Salisbury Diocesan College ; was sometime Curate of St. Mary's Reading : m. 1868 Lucy Emma, 2nd da. of the late J. H. Jacob, Esq., of the Close, Salisbury; has been since 1869 Rector of Wylye, Heytesbury. MELVILL, Hon. Elizabeth Theresa, da. of the and Baron Ribblesdale : m. 1862 William Henry Melvill, Esq., Barrister at Law, Solicitor to the In- land Revenue, Somerset House, and son of the late Sir James C. Melvill, K.C.B. 47, Beaufort Gardens, S. W. MELVILLE, Hon. Albinia Frances LESLIE-, da. of the 6th Viscount Midleton : m. 1858 Alexander Samuel Leslie-Melville, Esq. Branston, Lin- coln. MELVILLE, Hon Alexander LES- LIE-, son of the gth Earl of Leven and 8th Earl of Melville ; b. 1800 ; ed. at Trin. Coll., Camb. (M.A. 1821); admitted an Advocate at the Scottish Bar 1824; is a D.L. and a J.P. for Lincolnshire : m. 1825 Charlotte, da. of Samuel Smith, Esq., of Woodhall Park, Herts. Branston Hall, Lincoln. MELVILLE, Lady Catherine Anne Sarah WHYTE-, da. of the 5th Duke of Leeds : m. 1819 John Whyte-Mel- ville, Esq. , of Bennochy and Straith- kinness, Fifeshire. Mount Melville, St. Andrews, N.B. MELVILLE, Hon. Charlotte WHYTE-, da. of the ist Baron Bate- man ; b. 1825 : m. 1847 George John Whyte-Melville, Esq., el. son of John Whyte-Melville, Esq., of Bennochy. N.B. Mount Melville, St. Andrews. MELVlLLE,Hon.Norman LESLIE-, son of the nth Earl of Leven and loth Earl of Melville ; b. 1839 ; late Capt. Grenadier Guards : m. 1861 Georgina, da. of William Shirley Ball, Esq., of Abbeylara, Co. Long- ford. Guards Club. MELVILLE, Hon. Ronald Ruthven LESLIE-, son of the nth Earl of Leven; b. 1835 ; ed. at Eton and Ch. Ch., Ox- ford (M .A. 1862) ; is a partner in the banking firm of M'Culloch & Co. Roehampton, Surrey; 41, Lombard Street, E. C. , London. Carlton Club. MELVILLE, Lady Susan Lucy LESLIE-, da. of the 8th Earl of Leven and 7th Earl of Melville ; formerly Lady of the Bedchamber to the Duchess of Kent ; is Lady-in- Wait- ing to H.R.H. the Princess Christian, of Schleswig-Holstein. Cumberland Lodge, Windsor. MENZ1ES, Hon. Catherine Thur- low, sister of the i7th Baron Saltoun : m. 1860 John Stewart Menzies, Esq., who d. 1868. Ckesthill, Abcrfcldy. MENZIES, Hon. Lady Grace Char- lotte, sister of the 3rd Baron Grant- ley : m. 1816 Sir Neil Menzies, 6th Bart., who d. 1844. Rannoch Lodge, Pitlochry ; Abbey Hill, Edinburgh. METHUEN, Hon. Paul Sandford, h. a. to the 2nd Baron Methuen. METHUEN, Hon. St. John George Paul, son of the ist Baron Methuen ; b. 1819 : m. 1854 Anna, da. of the Rev. W. Sergison, Rector of Slaug- ham, Sussex. MEYRICK, Lady Laura, da. of the ist Duke of Cleveland, K.G. : m. 1823 Col. William Henry Meyrick. 37, Grosvenor Place, S. W. ; Good rick Court, Ross, Herefordshire. MICHEL, Hon. Juliana, da. of the 3rd Viscount Montmorres : m. 1830 Humphrey Michel, Esq., M.D. 12, Richmond Street North, Dublin. MlCHELL. Lady Frances Eliza- beth, da. of the 4th Earl of Dart- mouth : m. 1862 Major-Gen. George Bruce Michell, of the Indian Army, who d. 1866. MILBANK, Lady Susan Georgiana Godolphin, da. of the 8th Duke of Leeds: m. 1864 Henry Milbank, Esq., who d. 1872, son of Mark Milbank, Esq., and Lady Augusta Milbank. Ashfield House, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk. MILBANKE, Lady Anne Isabella Noel NOEL-, h.p. to the i2th Baron Wentworth. MILDMAY, Hon. Elizabeth Caro- line ST. JOHN-, da. of the ist Baron Radstock : m. 1830 the Ven. Carew Anthony St. John Mildmay, Arch- deacon of Essex since 1860, and since 1826 Rector of Chelmsford, Essex.